The Radboud Ecological Momentary Assessment Center (REMAC) brings together researchers from across the Radboud campus (Donders Institute, Radboudumc, and Radboud University) working on intensive longitudinal data. Such intensive longitudinal data, often collected using smartphone-based experience sampling method (ESM), ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and/or wearables offer exciting new insights into how our mental and physical states evolve over time. However, this new avenue of insight also brings unique, novel scientific challenges. REMAC will address these challenges by stimulating interaction and collaboration across Radboud campus to ensure optimal study design, skill sharing, new discoveries, data processing, item selection, advanced analysis and best (open) science practices. Complementing national and international EMA hubs, REMAC combines strong fundamental science with close ties to clinical translational and implementation.
What does REMAC do?
- We organise termly meetings about ongoing EMA-related projects and developments for EMA(-curious) scholars at all levels. Here we leverage content-based knowledge sharing and discussion of more organisational/strategic hot topics in the field. External experts will be invited for topical meetings.
- We organise workshops on timely topics and to facilitate agenda setting including orientation towards grant collaborative applications.
- We explore uptake in the relevant technology- and expertise centres on wearables and ambulatory assessment. This will provide optimal technical support for our local researchers. REMAC will inform about developments and opportunities.
- We connect to the NL/BE ESM platform:
Across the Radboud campus, 31 scholars have self-identified as members. Do you want to join REMAC? Email us at Rogier.Kievit [at] (Rogier[dot]Kievit[at]radboudumc[dot]nl) or Janna.Vrijsen [at] (Janna[dot]Vrijsen[at]radboudumc[dot]nl).