Onderzoek Cognitive Neuroscience
Onderzoek Cognitive Neuroscience

Theme 2: Perception, action and decision-making

Research in Donders Theme 2: Perception, Action and Decision-making investigates the neural and cognitive mechanisms that allow us to perceive the world, to translate these sensations into action plans, and to decide how to enact these plans.

Multi-level approach

At the level of perception and action, researchers examine how sensory processing and motor performance operate and interrelate. At the level of regulation, researchers study how choice options are selected, and subsequently controlled, on the basis of cognitive, motivational, and affective factors. At the level of social interaction, researchers study how these processes are implemented when engaged with other agents.

Across each of these levels of investigation, research examines the relationship between the brain and the respective cognitive processes that guide behavior. Research within this theme also has a clear clinical focus, with active investigations of neurological, psychiatric, and otorhinolaryngological populations.

The multidisciplinary and multi-level approach within Theme 2 creates the opportunity to employ varied analytical and theoretical perspectives, providing a fertile ground for effective interactions between fundamental and clinical neuroscientists. Overall therefore, the effort is to understand perception, action, and decision-making in both healthy and impaired organisms, and to explore and develop the potential societal implications of the fundamental discoveries.


Each of the four research themes of the Donders Institute has a Theme Leader. They coordinate discussions on subjects, host theme meetings and take part in the Research Platform to discuss strategic policy aspects. Contact theme leader Marius Peelen or secretary Marliese van Tilborg if you want to know more. Esther Aarts and Rick Helmich are panel members of this theme.

Marius Peelen Marliese van Tilborg

Research groups linked to this theme

Karin Roelofs

Affective Neuroscience

Karin Roelofs

Affective Neuroscience
John van Opstal - Radboud Sounds

Auditory System, Gaze Control & Executive Function

John van Opstal

Auditory System, Gaze Control & Executive Function
Sabine Hunnius

Baby Research on Action, Interaction & Neurocognition

Sabine Hunnius

Baby Research on Action, Interaction & Neurocognition
Luke Miller portrait

Brain, Body and Technology Lab

Luke Miller

Brain, Body and Technology Lab
Donders Brain action control

Cerebrovascular disease

Frank-Erik de Leeuw

Cerebrovascular disease
Julian Kosciessa

Cognitive Neurodynamics

Julian Kosciessa

Cognitive Neurodynamics
Rogier Mars

Cognitive Neuroecology Lab

Rogier Mars

Cognitive Neuroecology Lab
Lennart Verhagen

Cognitive Neuromodulation

Lennart Verhagen

Cognitive Neuromodulation
Iris van Rooij

Computational Cognitive Science

Iris van Rooij

Computational Cognitive Science
Alan Sanfey

Decision Neuroscience

Alan Sanfey

Decision Neuroscience
Donders Brain action control

Developmental Neuropsychiatry

Jan Buitelaar

Developmental Neuropsychiatry
Esther Aarts

Food & Cognition

Esther Aarts

Food & Cognition
Donders Brain action control

Glycosylation Disorders in Neurology

Dirk Lefeber

Glycosylation Disorders in Neurology
Ivan Toni

Intention and Action

Ivan Toni

Intention and Action
Donders Brain action control

Intracerebral haemorrhage and stroke

Karin Klijn

Intracerebral haemorrhage and stroke
Hanneke den Ouden

Learning & Decision-making

Hanneke den Ouden

Learning & Decision-making
Harold Bekkering

Learning & Motivation (LAM) & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Harold Bekkering

Learning & Motivation (LAM) & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Rogier Kievit

Lifespan Cognitive Dynamics

Rogier Kievit

Lifespan Cognitive Dynamics
Donders Brain action control

Macular Degeneration and Ophthamogenetics

Carel Hoyng

Macular Degeneration and Ophthamogenetics
Donders Brain action control

Molecular Therapy for Inherited Eye Disorders

Rob Collin

Molecular Therapy for Inherited Eye Disorders
Portrait Roshan Cools

Motivational & Cognitive Control

Roshan Cools

Motivational & Cognitive Control
Portrait Anneke den Hollander

Multifactorial eye diseases

Anneke den Hollander

Multifactorial eye diseases
Uta Noppeney

Multisensory perception, learning and attention

Uta Noppeney

Multisensory perception, learning and attention

Neurological Movement Disorders

Bas Bloem

Neurological Movement Disorders
Donders Brain action control

Neuromuscular Diseases

Baziel van Engelen

Neuromuscular Diseases
Donders Brain action control


Alexander Geurts

Rob van Lier

Perception and Awareness

Rob van Lier

Perception and Awareness
Eelke Spaak

Brain & Experience Lab

Eelke Spaak

Brain & Experience Lab
Floris de lange

Predictive Brain

Floris de Lange

Predictive Brain
Johan Kwisthout, hoogleraar Probabilistic Graphical Models

Probabilistic Graphical Models

Johan Kwisthout

Probabilistic Graphical Models
Donders Brain action control

Retinal Dystrophies

Jeroen Klevering

Retinal Dystrophies
Pieter Medendorp

Sensorimotor Control

Pieter Medendorp

Sensorimotor Control
Pim Haselager bij filmfestival InScience: 'Robots blijven ijskasten'

Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Neuroscience (SIAC)

Pim Haselager

Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Neuroscience (SIAC)
Konstantina Kilteni

Somatosensation and Gargalesis group

Konstantina Kilteni

Somatosensation and Gargalesis group
Rick Helmich

Systems Neurology

Rick Helmich

Systems Neurology
Marius Peelen

Visual Cognitive Neuroscience

Marius Peelen

Visual Cognitive Neuroscience
Donders Brain action control

Rare and genetic movement disorders

Bart van de Warrenburg

Rare and genetic movement disorders
Janneke Jehee

Visual Computation

Janneke Jehee

Visual Computation
Donders Brain action control

Visual Neuroscience

Richard van Wezel

Visual Neuroscience
Portretfoto Inti Brazil

Systems Approach to Maladaptive Behaviour & Antisociality (SAMBA)

Inti Brazil

Systems Approach to Maladaptive Behaviour & Antisociality (SAMBA)