Current target audience
Ages 5 to 12, roughly corresponding to primary school children in the Dutch education system (basisschoolleerlingen).
Who does the teaching?
The kit is ‘ready-to-use’ for primary school teachers, independent of their knowledge of neuroscience.
Teachers are provided with a set of teaching guidelines for each session, as well as a selection of teaching materials.
What’s in the Donders Teaching Kit?
- Games for learning about how the brain works e.g., a jigsaw puzzle of the brain
- Stories and comics about the biology of the brain e.g., introduction to neurons
- Interactive teaching sessions where children are encourage to move around the room, participate, and learn about the brain and cognition
The above materials are divided across 11 teaching sessions, each with multiple activities, described in a teaching guideline.
What are some examples of the topics addressed in the sessions?
- Neurons
- Emotions
- Memory
- Stress
- Attention
These sessions have been carefully planned out, and each session builds on the previous one. With each session, we hope to improve children’s perception, understanding, and regulation of the internal states that affect one’s ability to learn.
The kit
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