Bachelor's application and enrolment

Get all the admission and enrolment information you need to begin your studies at Radboud University. Learn more about deadlines, the application procedure and how to complete your enrolment. Check individual programmes to determine what is a Numerus Fixus (selective) or not.

Regular bachelor’s application procedure

To apply for a programme, you need to submit a request for enrolment in Studielink before the application deadline. Before you apply, please check the admission requirements and then follow the steps below.

Dutch previous education

International previous education

Numerus Fixus application procedure

If you wish to take a Numerus Fixus study programme, you should be aware that the application process is slightly different. For example, you will have to take part in a selection procedure and the application deadline will be much earlier.

Dutch previous education

International previous education

Application and enrolment deadlines for Bachelor’s programmes

If you wish to apply for a Bachelor’s programme, you will need to make sure that you submit your enrolment request via Studielink before the application deadline.

Enrolment procedure for international students

Once you have been admitted, you can enrol as a student at Radboud University by completing the steps listed in the enrolment procedure before the deadline.

Language requirements for English-taught programmes

To meet the admission requirements for English-taught Bachelor's, pre-Master's or Master's programmes, sufficient proficiency in English is required. You can demonstrate your language proficiency with certain diplomas or a language certificate.

Study Compatibility Check

The Study Compatibility Check provides a final check that will determine whether you have chosen the right study programme, and normally constitutes part of the application procedure for Bachelor’s programmes.

Application and enrolment for international students

Do you have a non-Dutch previous education? We've detailed all the steps from application to enrolment at Radboud University in this video. 


Do you have questions about admission requirements and are you unsure if you meet the requirements? Get in touch with the study advisor of the programme you would like to apply to. 

Do you have questions about the application procedure in Studielink and Osiris, or about submitting your documents? Get in touch with the Admissions Office.

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