Study programme Bachelor's International Business Administration
Every year of the Bachelor’s of International Business Administration is divided into two semesters. The semesters are divided into two blocks, during which you have lectures and seminars. At the end of each block, you have exams to conclude the module. A certain number of study credits (ECTS) is contributed to each module. 1 ECTS equals a study load of 28 hours.
During the Bachelor’s programme you will follow four learning lines. This way you will develop your knowledge and skills each year. The learning lines are:
International Business Administration content: you will explore the field of International Business Administration. Each semester there are 2-3 courses focused on theories in the field.
Academic Skills: you will develop and improve academic skills such as finding recourses, critical reading, presenting and argumentation.
Methods: you will learn how to design a research, how to collect, interpret and report data and how to research ethically.
Professional and Personal Development: you will develop yourself both personally and professional. During the curriculum there is room for career orientation, self-reflection, project management and ownership.
Instruction modes
A form of lecture in which information is presented verbally by one or more lecturers.
A form of a lecture in which the student works under supervision on learning assignments, usually in a group setting.
Curriculum year 1
During the first year, you explore the content of the field of international business administration. You learn how the academic field relates to the real world and get acquainted with research methods. At the end of the year, you conduct a research project with other students. During this project, you combine theoretical knowledge you learned during first year with practical insights.
Note: Due to curriculum changes for the academic year 2024-2025 the information below is subject to change.
After the first year of International Business Administration you will explore certain topics further during the second and the third year. The courses are shown below.
Note: The following curriculum is applicable from the academic year 2025-2026. For the curriculum of earlier academic years, please consult the course guide. Due to curriculum changes the information below is subject to change.
The third year focuses on specific development and the further integrating and applying knowledge and skills in different courses.
Note: The following curriculum is applicable from the academic year 2026-2027. For the curriculum of earlier academic years, please consult the course guide. Due to curriculum changes the information below is subject to change.
This study programme consists of 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) per year. At the end of the first year you will need to have accumulated a minimum of 42 ECTS in order to receive a positive BSA to continue your studies in the second year. Failing to meet this minimum requirement and receiving a negative BSA means that you are no longer allowed to continue with your studies. Of course, we will consider outstanding circumstances such as sickness or other personal factors. Your study advisor or mentor will regularly discuss your study results with you so that you are not faced with any surprises.
If you do not pass the Binding Study Advice (BSA) for this study, you are not allowed to access the following programmes:
An internship offers various possibilities: you can gain insights into the work environment where former students often find themselves after graduating, or you could combine your internship with a bachelor or master thesis. Another possibility is to specialise yourself on an area that in your eyes wasn’t taught extensively during the followed courses. It is also a great way to improve your professional network, to better your social skills and discover where your specific interests are.
It is possible to obtain ECTS for an internship. One of the conditions is that the internship includes a research on a practical problem within the organisation. In general an internship during the bachelor program will take about 336 hours (or 9 weeks of fulltime work).
Our aim is that you will put the skills and knowledge you gained during your study to practical use. The curriculum is designed in a way that an internship is possible during the third year, depending on which specialisation you chose.
Study abroad
During your Master’s/Bachelor's programme, you will have the opportunity to go abroad for your studies, internship and/or thesis. You will learn to look at things from the perspective of a different culture and you will meet new people; it is an experience that will enrich your life. What’s more, it will look great on your CV.
Please see the International Office web page for information about meetings, scholarships, internships and other practical information.
Additional challenge
Do you want an extra challenge during your studies? Do you find it interesting to think about current, social themes from different academic perspectives? Discover what the Radboud Honours Academy has to offer to achieve your maximum potential during your time as a student.