Why did you choose Radboud University?
My decision to study at Radboud was rather arbitrary as I, just out of interest, started looking for a good Psychology programme in the Netherlands. Still, ending up at the Radboud University is something I am really happy about. When I was in Nijmegen for the first time I immediately could imagine myself living here.
How did you experience the transition from high school to university? How did the university/programme assist you with this transition?
I started my studies right after graduating from secondary school in 2020 during the covid-19 pandemic. As I did the Summer Dutch Course I experienced the transition being quite smooth. For me it was the best decision to follow the Dutch course as I had no Dutch language skills before. Moreover, during the course I already got to know fellow students and three of them turned out to be my best friends up until now. Thus, it was a good start into my studies as I already knew people before the Orientation Week. It enabled me to have a good start and brought me many new contacts. Through the language course I also had a good introduction into the Dutch language, which made me able to communicate in Dutch from the start.
What do you like about the Bachelor's programme and why? How has the programme challenged you?
Even though I don't have any comparison, I am convinced that the Psychology programme of the Radboud is a really good one. It is well-organised and in case one is struggling there are always opportunities to get professional help from student advisors. Nevertheless, the programme is quite challenging. However, when putting in enough effort, it is doable, and you definitely learn a lot. Additionally, the first year can be overwhelming. But with time, I got used to studying. What also made it easier was that I figured out how to set my priorities.
What do you think about the atmosphere in class?
The atmosphere in the classroom is very pleasant and nice. As classes consist of small groups, it is very easy to participate actively. Also the teachers are really nice and always willing to answer your questions.
What are your plans once you have received your Bachelor’s degree?
As I have not yet decided in what direction of psychology I want to go after finishing my degree. I decided on studying abroad and to do some internships afterwards in order to gain a better overview and practical understanding of the different work fields.
Are you involved with the study association of your programme? If so, in what way?
I am not involved in a study association myself, but from friends and social media I know that, for example SPiN the psychology study association, offers a great variety of activities, events and opportunities to join.
What do you like about Nijmegen?
What I really like about Nijmegen is that everything is close by and you can bike everywhere, but still there is a lot to do. There are many bars, cafes and nice places to go. In summer it is super nice to chill at the Waal beach. All in all, Nijmegen is a beautiful and lovely city, especially when the sun is out.
Did you visit any information meetings at the campus before you signed up for your studies? Did you find them useful and why?
I visited the Bachelor’s Open Day in 2019 without being really prepared or seriously intending to study at Radboud University. However, during the Open Day I really started having a serious interest in the Psychology programme, and I considered applying for it. Additionally, I could really picture myself at campus and being there on a daily basis, as I felt comfortable immediately. So the Open Day was a really important experience for me as it gave a good impression, it was really informative and convincing to me as well.
What would you advise students when choosing a study programme?
I think when choosing a study programme it is helpful not to think about the next 50 years, but to picture yourself in 5 years and base the choice on your personal interests and not on job prospects. If you have the possibility, it is helpful to visit the campus and the city you will live in. For me that was an important step in the decision making process, as I already was familiar with the city and the campus. This gave me a lot more confidence in my decision.