Assistance in choosing a study programme

Not quite sure about which study programme you should choose? Follow this step-by-step plan. The four steps below will help you to make a well-informed choice. Each step contains useful information that will help you to choose a study programme.


  1. Step 1: Explore your possibilities - the orientation phase

    Before you start to explore the study programme options, you should give some thought to your capabilities and interests. Once you have worked this out, it will be easier to start the search process.

    ​​​​​​​Phase 1 information activity: the Online Orientation Week

    During this week, information sessions about the different domains are given by students. This will help you to discover the educational opportunities that are available for each area of interest. There will also be presentations about choosing a study programme, which will guide you through the process, and you can also ask questions during the live Q&A sessions.

    More information

  2. Step 2: Find study programmes that interest you - the exploration phase

    If you have already made a list of the areas of interest or issues that appeal to you and you know which programmes you should be looking at, think about the topics that you would like to know more about. Then collect information about these study programmes.

    • Have a look at all of the Bachelor’s programmes and make a list of those study programmes that appeal to you most. If necessary, make your selection based on your areas of interest.
    • Take a look at our study programme poster (pdf). Find the study programmes from your list and see which ones are listed in the same colour or are listed near each other. These study programmes share similarities and could also be a good choice for you. If you feel that they are also suitable, add them to your list.
    • For each study programme in which you are interested, write down why you think it may or may not be the right choice for you and make a list of the top five programmes.
    • Follow our students on Snapchat and ask them questions about the study programmes.
    • Check out our Radboud Vlogs and ask questions in the comments section.

    Phase 2 information activity: the Online Platform & Snapchat takeovers

    The Online Platform contains detailed informative videos of all of our Bachelor’s study programmes. Watching these will help you to become well acquainted with the study programmes and you can then make a list of the programmes that appeal to you most.

    In the run-up to the open days, Snapchat takeovers will be held by students who will take over our channel and tell you more about their study programme. You can ask them your questions in the chat. The takeovers will be held in September/October and January/February.


  3. Step 3: Make a decision - the in-depth phase

    At this stage, you should already have a number of study programmes in mind, or know which programmes match your interests. Gather even more in-depth information, take a look at the study programmes and soak up the atmosphere at several different universities.

    Phase 3 information activity: Bachelor’s Open Day and Student for a Day

    During the Bachelor’s Open Day, you can get an idea of whether the university and the city are right for you. You can take several tours and participate in a number of information sessions. You can also talk to students and ask them specific questions. 

    Being a student for the day will allow you to gain a good impression of the study programme and the university. Together with other students, you will spend a day or part of the day as a guest student in one of the study programmes that appeals to you. You will also be given information on how the study programme is structured.

  4. Step 4: The decisive phase

    By now you will have visited open days and maybe even been a student for a day, which means that you will already have a good idea of the study programmes and the universities where these are being offered. Take some time to reflect on your chosen study programme and then you can cut the knot and finally make a decision!

    Phase 4 information activity: Orientation Day

    If you would like to do a final check, then come and spend the day with us. While you are here, you will accompany a student on a regular day at the university where you will get to attend real lectures. This will allow you to get a feeling of what it is really like to be a student in your chosen study programme.