Overview education for professionals

Result 1 - 20 of 59 results
  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: Starting points in NT2 teaching methodology

    In this masterclass, we look at how you can more consciously apply the NT2 teaching principles in practical situations. In the context of an entire class, but also in the context of the four sub-skills, as well as for grammar and vocabulary.

  • Twee personen aan het schrijven op laptop en papier.

    Writing with AI

    Would you like to know how Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT can complement and improve your writing skills? Are you wondering in which situations GenAI is a useful tool? You can find out all about it in our interactive workshop.

    Starting dates

    • 03 December 2024
    • 11 December 2024
    • 11 December 2024
    • 17 March 2025
    • 18 March 2025
  • Vrouw kijkt in de camera terwijl ze achter een laptop zit

    Pronunciation in English

    Do you sometimes give presentations in English or regularly talk with international colleagues? Better pronunciation will increase your confidence in communicating in English, adding to clarity and credibility.

  • Persoon aan het werk op laptop

    Emailing in English

    During this one-day refresher course, you will learn how to write effective and convincing emails in correct English.

  • Foto van vrouw die presenteert

    Presenting: the next level

    In two sessions you will take the next step in presenting. This makes preparing and giving a presentation not only easier, but also more fun.

  • Vrouw aan een bureau met laptop

    Writing understandably for a general audience (B1 level)

    In this course, you will learn how to adjust your writing style to make your texts easier to read. You will learn how to remain focused on the core of your message and how to translate complex issues into everyday language.

  • Overleg

    Inclusive communication

    The Inclusive Communication training course will make you aware of what inclusion is and provide you with insights and tools that will help you to communicate more inclusively. You can take this training course in Dutch or English.

    Starting dates

    • 11 March 2025
    • 03 April 2025
  • Foto van persoon op podium

    Storytelling; the power of stories

    Storytelling is the art of telling stories. It's not just about sharing facts: it's about creating an emotional connection with your audience. Discover how to engage your audience by applying storytelling to your message.

  • Collega's op kantoor aan tafel in gesprek

    Exchanging feedback in dialogue

    How do you give clear feedback without compromising on your relationship or working relationship? In this workshop, you will get tips and tools for giving and receiving feedback in an enjoyable, effective and inclusive way.

  • Man geeft een presentatie

    Relaxed public speaking

    Do you ever feel worried or anxious during presentations or interviews? This workshop will help you feel at ease, connect with your audience or interlocutors, and get your message across clearly.

  • Docent voor de groep tijdens een les Nederlands voor anderstaligen

    Dual training course to become a teacher of Dutch as a Second Language (NT2)

    Do you want to be able to teach Dutch to non-native speakers? During the dual training course to become an NT2 teacher, you will learn how to teach non-native speakers at different starting levels in a professional way.

    Starting dates

    • 13 March 2025
    • 16 September 2025
  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: Working effectively with peer consultation

    In this masterclass, you will discover how to use peer consultation to take a structured and focused approach to this type of discussion.

  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: NT2 in secondary education

    This masterclass offers NT2 teachers/specialists in secondary education practical tools to help teachers who teach non-Dutch speakers in the best possible way.

  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: Using your voice well: your voice doesn't speak on its own

    In this masterclass, you will learn the role of things like breath and articulation in voice and speech, you will hear some dos and don'ts when it comes to taking care of your voice, and we will work on techniques for a stronger voice.

  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: Differentiated teaching for continuous inflow

    In this masterclass, we will discuss ways to optimise teaching within a highly heterogeneous group.

    Starting dates

    • 29 November 2024
    • 11 April 2025
  • Cursisten in een taalles

    Masterclass for NT2 teachers: Self-regulated learning

    If you want your course participants to step by step take responsibility for their own learning, you will find this masterclass useful and inspiring. You will learn a lot about the characteristics of self-regulated learning.

  • Docent geeft hoorcollege

    Academic Dutch for non-natives

    Would you like to express yourself in Dutch with more confidence and ease, orally as well as in writing, while giving lectures or working together with other researchers? Learn how to go about this in our Academic Dutch for non-natives course.

  • werken op campus


    In this training programme, you will learn how to conduct an effective consultation, and how to build trust, enhance credibility, and overcome resistance.

  • Vrouwen aan een tafel in overleg

    Business Dutch for non-natives

    Do you want to communicate effectively with your Dutch business contacts? Learn how to go about this in our tailor-made Business Dutch course. Various skills will be covered on the basis of specific cases related to your own job.

  • Intercultureel gezelschap in vergadering

    Business English

    Do you want to communicate effectively with your English business contacts? Learn how to go about this in our tailor-made Business English course. Various skills will be covered on the basis of specific cases related to your own job.