Overview education for professionals

Result 101 - 120 of 137 results
  • Radboud In'to Languages cursussen

    Introduction to inclusion; focus on diversity - tailor-made course

    What is inclusion and what are its key aspects? This session will introduce you to the diversity cycle and various aspects of diversity. We will reflect on cultural awareness and the six skills required for inclusive communication.

  • Microfoon voor een menigte

    Media training - tailor-made course

    And then suddenly you are in the news. How do you handle difficult questions from a journalist? This tailor-made course prepares you as much as possible for your media appearance and pays attention to both the presentation and the content side.

  • Arts legt patiënt iets uit

    Medical English

    Our tailor-made Medical English course will help you improve your written and verbal communication with English-speaking patients and colleagues and help to familiarise you with English culture in a medical context.

  • Doctor with mask listens to patient

    Medical German

    Is your healthcare institution dealing with increasing numbers of German patients or are you working with German hospitals or healthcare institutions? The Medical German course will ensure you can connect with your German patients and partners.

  • Persoon die achter laptop presenteert

    Online presenting - tailor-made course

    In this short course, you will learn how to convey your energy through the camera, to present in an interactive way and to keep an audience’s attention.

  • Eenvoudig organiseren van gemeenten

    Organising Local Government

    Met de opleiding Eenvoudig Organiseren van Gemeenten leer je hoe je jouw organisatie zo efficiënt mogelijk inricht en jouw strategische opgaven overwint.

  • Man presenteert voor een groep

    Pitch like a pro - tailor-made course

    In this tailor-made training you will learn how to give a short, powerful and personal pitch that will get you noticed.

  • Vrouw geeft een presentatie naast een whiteboard

    Pitching for a grant - tailor-made coaching

    The odds of receiving good news after an interview with NWO and ERC are lower than 50%. Your presentation and answers will make a real difference in the 20 minutes in which you get to speak.

  • Foto van meerdere personen naast een smartboard

    Presenting in English - tailor-made course

    This one-on-one training is for anyone who wants to be able to present in English with more confidence.

  • Foto van persoon die zichzelf filmt

    Presenting your story and yourself with a video - tailor-made course

    In this training course, you will learn everything you need to know from an experienced media trainer-journalist, from how to tell your story on video in a way that engages your audience to dealing with critical reactions.

  • Vrouwelijke docent helpt leerling in de klas

    Primary Classroom English

    Will your primary school be offering ‘early English’ or even entire lessons in English? If you do not have the necessary confidence to teach your classes in English, you are well advised to take this completely tailor-made course at In'to.

  • 2 vrouwen in gesprek

    RITHA course Signalling

    In this course, learn to develop a protocol for identifying children with gifted-level potential. 

  • 2 mannen in gesprek

    RITHA course Supervision

    In this course, you will delve into the use of positive Cognitive Behavioural Training and Strategy Training as a facilitator of students

  • Verschillende personen zittend

    RITHA course: We don’t need no education

    In our teaching, we assume 'the norm pupil'. As a gifted specialist, you probably think something of that. What then? You will learn to put that into words in this course.

  • Groene campus

    Radboud Global PhD Programme on Sustainability Challenges

    International off campus PhD programme for mid- and end-career sustainability professionals in the public, private and civil society sectors.

  • Person is laying on the sofa and reading a boko

    Read smarter and faster - tailor-made course

    Do you want to save time and work smarter when reading and analysing texts? This training gives you the tools you need for this.

  • Man zit in een veld op een stoel met een boek boven zijn hoofd

    Storytelling - tailor-made course

    In all kinds of communication, a story is a powerful tool to excite, inspire, and connect people. You will not forget a well-told story. But how do you achieve this?

  • Duurzaamheid & Strategie

    Sustainability & Strategy

    In the Sustainability & Strategy Programme, you will tackle big questions such as: how do you integrate goals such as sustainability and responsibility into strategy to actually make an impact?

  • werken op campus

    Tailor-made course Young Leaders for Sustainable Democracy

    Explore various perspectives on resilient democracy with practical examples and learn how to strengthen it in practice.

  • Collegezaal in collegezalencomplex

    Tailor-made dialogue training for municipal councillors

    In collaboration with the Gelderland Academy, we organized a training for municipal councilors on dialogues in polarizing debates.