Marleen Wilborts

Marleen Wilborts
Climate change is on all of our minds and as taking action becomes more and more urgent, people that understand what needs to be done are vital in our society.
Marleen Wilborts
Adaptive Organisms
Country of previous education
The Netherlands
Study start date
Previous education
Bachelor's Biology at Radboud University

Marleen Wilborts is a Master's student Adaptive Organisms at Radboud University. During the programme Marleen wrote a testimonial about the Master's and atmosphere in Nijmegen. 

What do you like about the Master's specialisation and why? 

More than half of the total EC consists of internships, I think those are the most fun and interesting part of the Master's and I think that is the way you learn most about your specialisation. Also, it looks good to have more internships on your resume. Lastly, I think it is really nice that the orientation course is obligatory for everyone and shows what is possible after you get your degree. I think in general Radboud University really pays a lot of attention to the personal development of students as well as the academic development and I think that is a really good thing. In my opinion, personal growth is just as or even more important than academic learning.

What do you think about the atmosphere in class?

I think it is really relaxed and almost cosy. Classes are small, which I like, and professors are down to earth and really passionate about student participation. Asking questions is appreciated, for example.

What do you find most challenging in your Master’s specialisation?

The only thing I can think of is that the way you can organise your Master's is really free. So free, that I sometimes fail to see the bigger picture of what is possible. But you can always go to a student advisor and ask for help, so I hardly see it as an obstacle.

What are your plans once you have received your Master's degree?

Currently, climate change is on all of our minds and as taking action becomes more and more urgent, people that understand how important this topic is and what needs to be done are vital in our society. Most of all, solution-based thinking people with knowledge that can contribute to a sustainable society.