Career prospects

The ADS Master’s programme offers students a unique skill set that prepares them for a broad range of jobs. These skills are based on a combination of an open, investigative and reflective attitude, sociological imagination, theory-driven analysis of diverse life worlds, inequality and power, and the capacity to weigh the necessity and possibility of interventions in a pragmatic way. At the end of this Master's you are capable of conducting your own research, know how to find your feet in diverse settings, assess and analyse complex situations and communicate your findings to various audiences.

After your studies

Possible jobs are that of a policy officer, advisor, or researcher for the central or local government, an advisor at aid, welfare and civil society organisations such as the UN, Cordaid or the Dutch Council for Refugees, a researcher at a university or NGO, trade union, consultancy firm or private institution or as a journalist or communication officer.

Possible occupations

  • Policy officer
  • Journalist
  • Communication officer
  • Scientific researcher

Careers to inspire

What happens after graduating from the Master's programme in Anthropology and Development Studies? Phebe Kloos likes to tell you how she got a job after graduating: 

ADS career event

Towards your graduation 

The Master's programme in Anthropology and Development Studies (ADS) helps to prepare you for the job market after your graduation. The programme offers multiple small-scale workshops organised together with the study association, in which several alumni are invited for presentations, speeddates and a round table discussion. You can in this way come into direct contact with ADS alumni who are working in this field, and receive unique tips and tricks to kick-start your career. 

Radboud Career Service

You can always contact the Radboud Career Service or the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Career Service offers students and young alumni guidance and support as they venture into the labour market. Career Service is available for career guidance, job application tips or if you require information about internships and job vacancies.

Keep developing, even after your Master's

Do you want to stay up to date in your field of study even after your Master's? At Radboud University, we offer advanced education for professionals. Here, you connect the challenges of your future work practice and social issues with scientific insights and practical skills. This way, you strengthen your knowledge, stay ahead in your career, and are always prepared for the next step.