What knowledge and skills did you learn during your Master’s that are really useful to you now?
The Master's taught me to work independently, as well as in a team. These two working styles are very different but are both crucial later in life.
What did you find most challenging in your Master’s? Did you encounter any obstacles?
I found the independent working style a challenge because I had to manage my time and work. However, because it challenged me so much I am now very adept at it.
Could you say a little about the job you do now (function and description of your daily activities)?
I am sent out to companies who have a problem that can be solved with computer vision and help them create a solution.
What do you like about your profession and what makes working in your field so interesting and/or relevant?
It is the bleeding edge of technology allowing me to always stay up to date with new findings and techniques, which is super important in a world where we are increasingly dependent on technology.
Do you have any tips/suggestions for prospective students?
Work hard, be prepared with your own ideas and make sure to comment your code.