Get acquainted

Do you want to get more in-depth information about this programme? Join our Open Day or one of our other events, read our testimonials or chat with a student.

Twee studentes kijken lachend achterom met in de achtergrond het Maria Montessorigebouw.

Master's Open Day

Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

Twee studenten zitten samen op een steen buiten het Maria Montessorigebouw en kijken naar een laptop.

Master's Virtual Information Platform

In our Virtual Information Platform you can watch informational videos about our Master's programmes! Watch the videos when and where you want.

Twee studentes lopen al pratend door de welkomsthal van het Huygensgebouw.

Master's Student for a Day

Experience the (pre-)Master’s programme you are interested in by meeting with a (pre-)Master’s student, on campus or online. This way, you will get a good impression of the programme and find out whether this (pre-)Master’s is right for you!

Interested? Join one of our events. Get one-on-one advice from students or study advisors and find out whether this programme is right for you.


What I love most about being a teacher is that you can affect students. You get to take them along with you in your enthusiasm for your work and about the target group you work with.
Professor Mathijs Vervloed
Mathijs Vervloed Professor occupying an endowed chair - Behavioural Science Institute, Professor occupying an endowed chair - Orthopedagogics: Learning and Development, Director Research Master's Behavioural Science Read Mathijs Vervloed's story
Within a few weeks, you'll know all your classmates by name, and often, the lecturers will know you just as well.
Petr Šupa
Petr Šupa Student Read Petr Šupa's story
The programme offered inspiring elective courses, enabling me to delve into areas of personal interest and gain in-depth knowledge.
David Renjaän
David Renjaän PhD candidate and lecturer Read David Renjaän's story
There are many different pathways other than working as a researcher and you might only have to find your own niche.
Portraitphoto Katharina Kreuer
Katharina Kreuer Alumnus Read Katharina Kreuer's story
The classes are really small, so there are also many opportunities to get one-on-one contact with teachers, which encourages the discussion environment.
Portrait Denise Woudsma
Denise Woudsma Alumnus Read Denise Woudsma's story
Something I really appreciate about our Master's is that the cohorts are relatively small and you get to know everybody quite well, including the teachers.
Portrait Ismay de Beijer
Ismay de Beijer Alumnus Read Ismay de Beijer's story
I really like the programme. The nicest thing is that you can make it your own by choosing elective courses that suit your interests.
Portrait Sara Breugelmans
Sara Breugelmans Alumnus Read Sara Breugelmans' story
The programme definitely aims to have quite an horizontal teacher-student relationship.
Portrait David de Segovia
David de Segovia Alumnus Read David de Segovia's story

Study Association

Maizena is the study association of the Research Master's in Behavioural Science. They organise a variety of social and educational events, such as interesting lectures or workshops, but also bowling, a gala, or a trip. Check out the website!