Mike Gunsing

Mike Gunsing
In this specialisation, you are challenged to look at problems holistically.
Mike Gunsing
Business Analysis and Modelling
Study start date
Study end date
Previous education
International Business (Saxion UAS)

Master's student Mike Gunsing is studying Business Analysis and Modelling at Radboud University.

What do you like about the programme/specialisation and why? How has the programme/specialisation challenged you?

The specialisation is different from other specialisations. In this specialisation, you are challenged to look at problems holistically. By taking this holistic look, systems emerge and intervention points in this system can be determined. In previous studies, problems were seen in a more linear fashion. Moreover, you are not specialising in a specific domain, but rather in the method of mapping complex problems and determining intervention (leverage) points.

What do you think about the atmosphere in class?

The atmosphere in the class is nice, with only 20 students in this programme in my year. This leads to more personal communication between teachers/researchers and students. You come to know everyone, which made the learning environment perfect for me.

What do you find most challenging in your Master’s (specialisation)? Have you encountered any obstacles?

The most challenging during the programme, for me, was the course strategic decision-making. This course focused on the decision-making process and how this can be done in different scenarios. The other courses, in contradiction to what the specialisation suggests, are more on soft skills during the process of mapping complex problems. I did not encounter any obstacles during the master programme.

Are you currently doing an internship? Or what is your thesis about?

My thesis is about mapping the relationship between 'flexpertise', which is the ability to adapt to changing expertise needs, and strategic renewal. I did this by using the method Group Model Building, which is mostly discussed and used during the master programme.

Why do you think it is important that there are people with this degree? What are your plans once you have received your Master's degree?

I think it is important that people have this degree, as problems are always multi-faceted and have different dependencies. This degree focuses on this multi-perspective look and takes this into a systems perspective, where intervention points can be determined and the problem can start 'running'.