Minke Klomp

Minke Klomp
I like how this programme gives you the freedom to pursue your own specialisation with the choice of electives.
Minke Klomp
Cities, Culture and Inequality
Study start date
Study end date
Previous education
Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies - Radboud University

Minke Klomp is a Master's student Cities, Culture and Inequality.

What do you like about the programme/specialisation and why? How has the programme/specialisation challenged you (in relation to your previous education)?

I like how the programme has taken all the theories that I learned and liked to learn about from my previous study, and has put them in a very specific context, the city. I also like how this programme gives you the freedom to pursue your own specialisation with the choice of electives. The Master's programme Cities, Culture and Inequality has really challenged me to think about the ways that I can practically apply all the knowledge that I have learned throughout my time studying.

What do you think about the atmosphere in class (for example the relationship between students and with the teachers/researchers)?

There is a good mix of people with a background in geography and people with a background in different fields of study, and that makes class discussions really interesting with a lot of different perspectives. The trip within the first semester also really helps in getting to know your fellow students and due to the small classroom sizes, you can connect well with the teachers.

What do you find most challenging in your Master’s (specialisation)? Have you encountered any obstacles?

The Master's programme becomes serious almost immediately. Within the first few weeks, you have to pick a thesis topic and this can be quite challenging when you don't have a background in geography. On the other hand, making this decision so early really allows you to focus on the thesis from day one. This can help in choosing your electives and picking out the best theories that fit your topic.

Are you currently doing an internship? Or what is your thesis about?

My thesis is about the diversity and inclusion policy of Radboud University towards queer people. I'm also interning for Radboud's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office.

Why do you think is it important that there are people out there with this degree? What are your plans once have received your Master's degree?

I think that with current trends of urbanisation and globalisation it is incredibly important that there are people who studied the ways that people live together in urban environments. We learn many different things that can make a city more comfortable to live in and I think that we, as Human Geography students, can have a very important perspective for the future. When I finish my Master's, I want to do something that helps biodiversity in densely populated areas, either by volunteer work or getting a job in this area.