Dual mode in Human Geography

What does it entail?

In addition to the regular programme, the Master's programme in Human Geography also offers students of all the specialisations the opportunity of a dual mode. The dual mode is a combination of paid work and a regular study. Thereby you will be following our regular educational programme in one of the specialisations, while – at the same time - gaining experience as a geographer at a professional organisation. This is an organisation which you are either already working for, who are willing to provide you an education sabbatical, or it is an organisation you have traced, approached, and secured an employment contract with yourself. 

Please note that this dual mode takes an extra semester. Unfortunately, due to work permit restrictions, this dual mode is not available to non-EU citizens.

What is the added value?

The dual programme offers a highly effective combination of academic knowledge and work experience. Students can directly test their newly acquired academic knowledge in the working field, enriching their work with the latest academic insights. Furthermore, they may also be able to bring examples from their work into the courses they follow. Further advantages:

  • Practical experience from the start of the programme
  • Intensive guidance from academia and practice
  • Immediate connection between theory and practice
  • Time and opportunity to develop practical skills such as effective communication, team work, and first experiences in project leadership
  • More time to gain in-depth knowledge during your research project
  • More opportunities for in-depth and extensive fieldwork (potentially also abroad, contingent to arrangements with the employing organisation)
  • Work experience and immediate preparation for the job market (a good start to your CV)
  • The opportunity to earn money while also enrolled as a student

What is the structure of the dual mode?

You will follow the courses of our regular programme for a selected, relevant specialisation (following communication with the master coordinator) for about 8 months (i.e. the first 3 blocks of the academic year). In addition, you will work for an organisation, arranged by yourself, for approximately 8 months. The work-study distribution over the three semesters depends on when courses are provided (mainly in the first 2 blocks), as well work arrangements with your employer. The precise content of the dual programme is determined by the student in consultation with the dual employer and their supervisor. For this we have a so-called master's programme plan.

As stated earlier, the dual programme lasts longer than the regular master's programme, namely 3 semesters. Nevertheless, the total number of European Credit Points for the full programme is the same (60 EC), which is according to the legal requirements. For the courses a total of 30 EC is awarded. The remaining 30 EC is meant for proposal preparations (6 EC) and a master's thesis (24 EC). 

Who can participate?

Only students who come up with their own - current or future - employer are eligible. This employer must be willing to exempt this employee as a student from other work full-time for 1 year, after which the student can start a geographically relevant research project that is co-determined by the employer. To this end, a contract should be drawn up and signed by the student, the master coordinator, and the dual employer to ensure agreement on respective and mutual duties and responsibilities. 

The procedure should be completed before the start of the master's programme. If you have an employer in mind who is willing and able to comply with the above, please contact the coordinator of the dual programme, Dr Lothar Smith (lothar.smith [at] ru.nl (lothar[dot]smith[at]ru[dot]nl)).

Dual mode and master's thesis

Generally, dual employers do not have research projects lasting three semesters that could serve as the basis for your master's thesis. Instead, it is common to work on a research portfolio around a specific theme and link this theme to your master's thesis as part of your portfolio.

Sharing your experience

As a student in the dual mode, we encourage you to share your experiences with others. To that end we would like to request that you either share these experiences with prospective students, e.g. at information sessions, or that you provide some kind of testimony in which you reflect on your experiences and what this brought you. 

Tuition fee

During the period the student participates in the dual programme, the student is enrolled at Radboud University and owes regular tuition fees. The student will have to register as a master's student in 'Human Geography'.

Want to know more?

If you still have certain questions, e.g. on which organisations are suitable to approach, kindly contact the master coordinator, Dr Lothar Smith (lothar.smith [at] ru.nl (lothar[dot]smith[at]ru[dot]nl)).