About our research

The Master’s programme in Computing Sciences is offered in close collaboration with the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS). The Data Science specialisation builds on the strong international reputation of iCIS in areas such as machine learning, probabilistic modelling, and information retrieval. Our ambition is to develop principled, theoretically sound approaches for the analysis of complex data. Our research is guided by real-world problems and data sets, often taken from the biomedical domain. We closely work together with the data owners, to turn their data and domain knowledge into novel insights and tools based on our software and algorithms.

On this page, you can read more about the relevant research institute(s) and departments in which our highly renowned research takes place.

Research institutes

Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

The overall goal of ICIS is to improve the security and reliability of computer- based systems and algorithms based on mathematically sound theories. Through its cutting-edge research, ICIS is a forerunner in terms of research and contributes to society, especially in the field of cyber security. ICIS looks beyond its own field as it integrates the know-how with other disciplines such as law, medicine, and neuroscience. Through this approach, ICIS is relevant not only in research, but also tackles the challenges of IT in modern-day society.

Research groups

Within ICIS there are several department specialising on different aspects of Data Science: Software Science, Digital Security, or Data Science. But as data questions play a role in many different research areas, you have a broad array of research groups to work with during your Master's. You can think of astronomy, particle physics, chemometrics, neuroscience, and bioinformatics. Below you can find some examples of research groups within Radboud University.

Data Science group

Data Science group

The Data Science group within ICIS develops theory and methods for scalable machine learning and information retrieval to analyse big data and address challenging problems in (among others) neuroscience and bioinformatics. They are involved in various projects with other groups, both within and outside the Radboud University, such as the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior, and SNN Adaptive Intelligence.

Research facilities

New Devices of the Future Lab

In our New Devices of the Future Lab, students and staff experiment with new devices such as smart glasses (e.g. Google glass), smart watches, brain computer interfaces, quadcopters and 3D printers. This lab provides ample opportunities for Data Science students to analyse interesting, nontrivial sensor data.