Florence Schmitz

Florence Schmitz
I have learned that in many organisations, people with specific EU knowledge are needed – even at the regional level.
Florence Schmitz
European Union Politics and Governance | Political Science
Study start date
Study end date
Previous education
Political Science - Radboud University

Florence Schmitz is a Master's student European Union Politics and Governance.

What do you like about the programme/specialisation and why? How has the programme/specialisation challenged you (in relation to your previous education)?

What I like about this Master’s programme is that it covers many different facets of European Union politics: from the executive order to lobbying and EU foreign affairs. As this is a new specialisation, the courses are built upon the most recent academic literature. Compared to the Bachelor's degree in Political Science, most of the subjects in this Master's programme are more tangible and less abstract. Additionally, guest speakers and a trip to Brussels provide more practical experience and understanding.

What do you think about the atmosphere in class (for example the relationship between students and with the teachers/researchers)?

The specialisation is very small-scale – this year we were with 10 students (EUGP and EUPG together). I have experienced this as very positive, because you get to know your peers and teachers better and the classes become more personal. We have organised some informal get-togethers with fellow students last year, which was very nice. Additionally, the teachers are very enthusiastic and motivated in teaching the courses - which they have created themselves. The downside of the fact that the courses are new, is that sometimes the teachers themselves are still looking for the best way to structure the lectures and examination. However, they do their best to evaluate and adapt the courses when necessary.

What do you find most challenging in your Master’s (specialisation)? Have you encountered any obstacles?

I think the most challenging about the programme is the workload to begin with, but also the fact that you are expected to really critically evaluate academic literature and be able to discuss this during the lectures. But I also think that this is inherent to following a Master’s specialisation.

Are you currently doing an internship? Or what is your thesis about?

Unfortunately, my specialisation doesn’t allow for an internship in the curriculum. However, the other specialisation (EUGP) does offer the opportunity to combine writing your thesis with an internship. So, if you are interested in doing an internship, it is advisable to choose the other EU-specialisation.

I am writing my thesis on the EU’s objective to decrease dependencies in global politics, and the implications thereof. Specifically, on the geopolitical tensions in the semiconductor industry, and how the EU regulations resulting out of these tensions influence private actors in the industry, like ASML.

Why do you think is it important that there are people out there with this degree? What are your plans once have received your Master's degree?

After I receive my degree, I will first be travelling for a couple months. Where I am going to apply when I'm back, I don’t know yet. However, I have learned that in many organisations, people with specific EU knowledge are needed – even at the regional level.