Cintia Campos da Silva

Portrait Cintia Campos da Silva
Radboud provides much more to its students than just offering lectures and in-class discussions.
Cintia Campos da Silva
Human Rights and Migration
Country of previous education
Study start date
Study end date
Previous education
Bachelor's of Law - Universidade Federal do Ceará

Cintia Campos da Silva followed the master's programme Human Rights and Migration at Radboud University. 

What do you like about the specialisation and why? How has the specialisation challenged you?

Doing my LL.M. at Radboud University has been a very rewarding experience. Radboud provides much more to its students than just offering lectures and in-class discussions; Radboud offers a stimulating environment where we have the opportunity to learn and develop our professional and personal skills.

What do you think about the atmosphere in class?

The best part of my Masters' experience has definitely been the people I met here. I have a big group of friends with the other students from my class and these are people I definitely want to keep in my life after graduation. We end up spending a lot of time together and it's great to have their support and company, whether it's having classes and studying for exams or having dinners and going to parties.

The international community in Nijmegen is very diverse and welcoming. There are people from all nationalities and cultures and lots of events where you can meet other internationals and people with similar interests. The Dutch students are interested in learning about the international students' cultures and experiences, and they will never make you feel like you don't belong. It might be hard to go further than a collegial relationship with a Dutchie and actually befriend one, but sometimes all it takes is a little bit of initiative.

The relationship between students and professors was a positive surprise for me. Compared to my experience in Brazil, the professors here are much easier to approach and seem to know and care a lot more about their students.
The staff, in general, is very kind and helpful. The International Office is always interested in listening to our problems and is eager to help us in any way they can. Overall, they are constantly doing their best to provide us with the best academic and personal experience possible.

What do you find most challenging in your Master’s specialisation? Have you encountered any obstacles?

This Master's programme has proved to be very demanding. It took me some time to learn how to prepare for the classes and for the exams. The workload is heavy! I've learned it's essential to organise yourself, turn studying into a habit and never leave things till the last minute. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help if you ever feel too overwhelmed, remember that if something is difficult for you, it's certainly difficult for others as well and they might know how to help you!

Are you currently doing an internship? Or what is your thesis about?

I am currently in the last few months of this fantastic experience and I am applying for some internships and job positions. I think it's important to start doing this in advance because it gives you time to ask for recommendation letters and to make mistakes while you learn how to write good job applications and do well in interviews.

I am writing my Master's thesis on how stereotyping can influence intersectional discrimination against women. I think it's important to discuss how women can still be subject to violence and discrimination due to stereotypical views about their roles in society and about how they should behave.

Why do you think is it important that there are people out there with this degree? What are your plans once have received your Master's degree?

When I graduate, I want to work in an international organisation defending human rights around the world, especially the rights of women and children. I trust this LL.M. in Human Rights and Migration to provide me with the right knowledge and skills to be successful in this career.