Are you a current student? For the programme of this academic year, check the course guide.

Study programme

At Radboud University, we believe that good information specialists are not only experts in information architecture, systems theory, and the quality and security of IT systems, but they also form the connection between the people and organisations involved in using, designing, and building such systems. You will therefore need to learn to work together with different stakeholders within a project, such as the super-technical programmer, the demanding client and, in some cases, the computer illiterate user. You will need to be able represent all their interests and find a solution that is satisfactory to all. This takes technical understanding as well as managerial skills.

Because of this last aspect, the Master’s programme has been set up in close collaboration with Nijmegen School of Management. However, the scientists at the Institute of Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS) at Radboud University also work closely together with colleagues from a wider range of disciplines, such as law, privacy, medicine, brain research, and artificial intelligence. 


  • Curriculum of Information Sciences

    The Master’s programme in Information Sciences is taught at the Faculty of Science in collaboration with Nijmegen School of Management. This programme has a course load of 60 EC or one year.

    View curriculum

Study abroad

During your Master's programme, you will have the opportunity to go abroad for your studies, internship and/or thesis. You will learn to look at things from the perspective of a different culture and you will meet new people; it is an experience that will enrich your life. What’s more, it will look great on your CV. Please see the Radboud International web page for information about meetings, scholarships, internships and other practical information.

Additional challenge

Do you want an extra challenge during your studies? Do you find it interesting to think about current, social themes from different academic perspectives? Discover what the Radboud Honours Academy has to offer to achieve your maximum potential during your time as a student.