Eva Mientjes

Eva Mientjes
The enthusiasm of both, students and teachers, is contagious and inspiring. The atmosphere in class is very welcoming and encouraging interactions.
Eva Mientjes
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Study start date
Previous education
Bachelor’s Bedrijfskunde, Radboud University

Eva Mientjes is a Master's student Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

'What I really like about the specialisation Innovation & Entrepreneurship is the continuous development in the field. Everything you study is highly relevant for large companies as well as startups and the courses are complemented with up to date cases. This specialisation provides you with theoretical knowledge, but also teaches you to apply this knowledge to cases in practice. The programme is challenging as beside your courses, you get the chance to advise a start-up on their business development in the Master Buddy Programme!

This specialisation has approximately 50 students and very committed teachers. The enthusiasm of both, students and teachers, is contagious and inspiring. The atmosphere in class is very welcoming and encouraging interactions. The teachers/researchers are always willing to answer your questions, whether they relate to their course subjects, personal development or your future career path.

The most challenging part for me was the third block in which you already start with your master's thesis, but also follow two courses. I would really recommend choosing electives that fit your master thesis subject as the literature could be useful for both!

I am writing a thesis on the effect of eco-label placement on product-packaging, on the attention paid to the eco-label and the intention to buy these products. My data collection is actually really cool, as I got the opportunity to use eye-tracking as a research method in an experimental design!

It is crucial for the survival of companies to adjust to their environment and keep innovating to stay relevant. Therefore I think it is important to educate people on how to approach business development and innovation processes. If we look at start ups there is a valley-of-death in which many of them fail (higher costs than turnover). This study provides you with knowledge to help a startup cross that valley-of-death and really become a successful company! If you do not want to work for a start-up or in an innovation department, this study provides you with an entrepreneurial mindset. This is highly appreciated by many employers for all kinds of jobs!'