About our research

The Master's programme in Mathematics is closely connected to the Mathematics department at Radboud University. Research within the department can be found along four themes: applied mathematics, applied stochastics, pure mathematics, and mathematical physics (part of the Institute of Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP). On this page, you can read more about the relevant research institute(s) and departments in which our highly renowned research takes place.

Research institutes

Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics

IMAPP carries out fundamental research in mathematics, high-energy physics and astrophysics with special attention for interdisciplinary topics. The overarching research theme is the origin and evolution of the universe and its underlying mathematical structures. The combination of research topics of IMAPP is remarkable. There are mathematicians working on statistics of diseases, astrophysicists looking at collisions of black holes and physicists trying to complete the standard model of particle physics. Even though IMAPP covers different research fields, scientists are working closely together on interdisciplinary research topics. Examples of research at IMAPP include geometry and topology, randomness and data science, theoretical and numerical aspects of partial differential equations, mathematical general relativity and many more.

Research groups

The research groups at the Mathematics department are highlighted below. 

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics

The research within this group is characterised by its interdisciplinary aspect. There are close links to the groups in Applied Stochastics and Mathematical Physics as well as to other research institutes at Radboud University. This group focusses both on the theoretical and numerical aspects of the problems, and currently specialises in the following themes: Applied Analysis, Modelling and Applications, and Numerics and Computation.


Applied Stochastics

For many complex systems in nature and society, randomness provides an efficient description with great explanatory and predictive power. Stochastics is the area of mathematics that deals with processes and objects where randomness plays a role.

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics is a very broad area that includes many subfields. Among the main directions that are represented in this research group are the following: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry, Logic and Computer Algebra, Number Theory, and Representation Theory and Lie Theory.

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics

This group focusses on modern mathematical physics, especially on of the two great fundamental theories of physics: namely general relativity and quantum (field) theory. Their interest lies in both the pure and applied mathematical topics needed here, but also in applications to the frontiers of fundamental physics. There is a strong collaboration with the neighboring departments of astrophysics and high-energy physics.