Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Annegret Burtscher, and I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics. I studied Mathematics and Earth Sciences at the University of Vienna and then did a PhD in Mathematics jointly at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI, now part of the Sorbonne Université) and the University of Vienna in 2014. Before coming to The Netherlands and joining Radboud University in 2018, I held postdoctoral positions in Germany and the United States.
Already during my undergraduate days, I worked as a teaching assistant, and since 2016 I have been designing and teaching my own lecture courses. In Nijmegen, I teach courses in the Bachelor's Mathematics and the Master's Mathematics, with a focus on Differential Geometry, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics. The Master's courses I teach are closely related to my research interests in Mathematical General Relativity and are based in the Mathematical Physics track (and Gravity+ synergy track) but can also be followed in the Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics tracks.
Why did you choose to study/work in this field? What makes this field so interesting?
As long as I remember I have had a fable for mathematics, but initially, I had no clue that one could also do mathematics for a living and what one would then do all day long. As a teenager, I read Simon Singh’s “Fermat’s Last Theorem” about the historical journey of mathematicians trying to show that an + bn = cn has no non-trivial integer solutions for n>2. This book was a real eye-opener to me, and I set out to become a research mathematician to learn more about and be able to enjoy other challenging mathematical ideas. And here I am, living my dream. But I did eventually end up in another mathematical subfield: In a differential geometry class in my undergraduate studies, I heard that general relativity is based on a beautiful geometric theory and that the Einstein equations can be analysed with PDE methods. My interests were always very broad, and this combination of fields and techniques suited my mathematical taste perfectly.
What I like most about mathematics is when I am really immersed in a problem and can uncover some new mathematical structures, alone or with others. Not much is needed to do mathematics (pen, paper, blackboard – and perseverance) and this simplicity is very satisfying. Of course, mathematicians still use computers to write and publish their work…
What are you currently doing your own research on?
I am exploring the large-scale geometry of our universe through spacetimes in the context of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Spacetimes are time-oriented Lorentzian manifolds that ingeniously combine the notion of space and time in one entity. Currently, I am particularly interested in describing rough geometric features of spacetimes with tools adapted from the theory of metric spaces rather than of smooth differential geometry. This is important because many interfaces and regions in the universe are typically non-smooth – think of matter-vacuum boundaries, regions inside black holes, boundaries at infinity etc.
What advice do you have for students making their study choice?
Having to choose schools, universities, and study programmes has always been difficult for me because I have so many diverging interests - so I am quite familiar with the dilemma. Ultimately, I think, it helps to just pick a subject one is truly excited and passionate about and to keep an open mind. Most study programmes are actually quite flexible and allow one to find one's own path along the go. Mathematics, in particular, is very versatile and also indispensable in many other disciplines.
What is the best part of being a lecturer?
For me, teaching is the joy of connecting with others that share my passion, and of seeing students flourish. It also challenges me to keep learning myself.