Are you a current student? For the programme of this academic year, check the course guide.

Study programme

The Master’s programme in Mathematics takes two years and is taught at the Faculty of Science. The curriculum is highly flexible and can be tailored based on your personal interests. You start by choosing one of six tracks and can specialise even further based on your preferences and background. 

Core tracks:

  • Pure Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematical Physics

Synergy tracks:

  • Mathematics of Computer Science
  • Mathematics of Data Science
  • Gravity+ (more information)


  • Pure Mathematics

    Pure Mathematics is primarily concerned with questions that originate from inside mathematics and is often viewed as the field of most abstract mathematical thinking. We offer courses with a strong connection to modern research developments. This track covers a very broad range of core areas including algebra, analysis, geometry, topology, number theory, and logic. 

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  • Applied Mathematics

    The Applied Mathematics track covers the modern theory and techniques needed to model, analyse and investigate phenomena in real life applications. You can choose from a wide range of courses in Applied Analysis, Applied Stochastics, and Numerics and Computation. The Mathematics department has a strong connection with other fields such as biology, physics, medicine, neuroscience.

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  • Mathematical Physics

    Mathematical Physics will bring you up-to-date in modern mathematical physics, and prepares you for research in one (or both) of the two great fundamental theories of physics, namely general relativity and quantum (field) theory. You can profit from the neighboring departments of astrophysics and high-energy physics, which offer their own Master's specialisation in Particle and Astrophysics, from which you may take some electives. 

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  • Synergy tracks

    Our synergy tracks are interdisciplinary programmes that interconnect mathematics with other fields of science: Mathematics of Computer Science, Mathematics of Data Science and Gravity+

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Study abroad

During your Master's programme, you will have the opportunity to go abroad for your studies, internship and/or thesis. You will learn to look at things from the perspective of a different culture and you will meet new people; it is an experience that will enrich your life. What’s more, it will look great on your CV. Please see the Radboud International web page for information about meetings, scholarships, internships and other practical information.

Additional challenge

Do you want an extra challenge during your studies? Do you find it interesting to think about current, social themes from different academic perspectives? Discover what the Radboud Honours Academy has to offer to achieve your maximum potential during your time as a student.

Combine mathematics and (astro)physics in Gravity+ synergy track

The Gravity+ synergy track reflects the unique Radboud expertise on the role of gravity in the universe, from the largest to the smallest length scales. You can follow this track as part of your Master's in Mathematics or Particle & Astrophysics.

Read more about Gravity+