Jet Vugts

Jet Vugts
This master is relevant in almost every sector and keeps many possible working directions open for me.
Jet Vugts
Strategic Human Resources Leadership
Study start date
Previous education
Bachelor Business Administration, Radboud Universiteit

Jet Vugts is a Master's student Strategic Human Resources leadership.

'I like the Master's specialisation, because it offers very varied courses. Each course is taught by a specialized teacher who knows a lot about a specific field within HR. Besides, this Master'sis relevant in almost every sector and keeps many possible working directions open for me.
A challenge for me was the amount of study load. This was bigger than I experienced during the bachelor. However, I have not experienced this as a major obstacle. You just have to make more time for it, because the content of this Master'sis not too difficult.

The atmosphere in class was great. The amount of students offers space to come into contact with varying students. For example, many students come from another university and some come from international. I didn't know many people from the bachelor's degree, but I actually liked getting to know new people and following the Master's program with a fresh start. In addition, the teachers of this Master's are real experts in their field and they teach their courses with great passion. There is a lot of space to have a chat with a teacher and I feel like a kind of colleague, where a lot of knowledge is exchanged and you are taken seriously as a student. Many courses are also linked to practice, so that you gain knowledge from many perspectives.

What I found most challenging was the start of the Master's, because I had to get used to the amount of study load. Besides, there are a lot of group projects. These are often linked to practice and therefore an inspiring addition to the Master's program. At the same time, I found it difficult to work with other students. Everyone has a different background and their own way of working and writing. In addition, you have to coordinate the agendas well, which is a challenge with a high study load. Nevertheless, this has taught me to work with different people and to prepare myself well for writing a research project, such as the Master's thesis. I no longer see this as an exciting challenge, because I have confidence in it.

My thesis is about job crafting among nurses. Job crafting is about a series of changes that employees make at work to achieve a better match between their needs and preferences in their job. This is very important for almost every employee in a lot of sectors. The topic of my Master's.

I think it is important that there are people with this Master's degree, because HR is an important subject in any organisation. I also see employees as the most important asset of an organisation. An organisation benefits from the optimal deployment of employees. There are many things to consider, because Human Resources management is broad and varied. Someone who has completed this Master's has a lot of knowledge about this and can therefore be deployed in all kinds of organisations. After obtaining my Master's degree, I hope that I found an interesting job in the non-profit sector, because I want to have my focus on the deployment of employees, so that I can contribute to the well-being of the population.'