FTR student

Master's specialisationSystematic Theology

Learn to enhance your capacity for theological reflection and Christian intellectual, so that you can confidently enter the public debates on issues as atheism, post-secularism and science.

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Something for you?

  • Active discussions in the classrooms with diverse student-groups
  • Students learn to formulate critical theological perspectives on questions regarding the meaning of life and the issue of a sustainable contemporary civil society
  • Not just geared towards Europe but also places developments in a global perspective
  • Low tuition fees
Why in Nijmegen?

Admission requirements

Do you want to know if you can be admitted? Read more about the admission requirements of this programme.

Admission and application
Er is veel ruimte om zelf na te denken, om zelf vragen te stellen, om je eigen richting te gaan.
Portretfoto André Groenendijk
André Groenendijk Alumnus Read André Groenendijk's story
Get acquainted

What will you learn

Has the world become secular? To be sure, the general orientation in affluent societies has become more secular even though the world as a whole is certainly no less religious than before. On the other hand, we also witness a revival of religion in affluent societies. At Radboud University we look at these developments in the public domain. What new forms of spirituality are kindled in society? How are morals changing? And how is the role of woman changing in society and religious organisations?

Based on the readings from both classical and contemporary theologians, and the active discussions in the seminars, students learn how to formulate critical theological perspectives on questions of meaning of life and a viable civil society in our contemporary situation. 

Study Programme

Future career opportunities

The Master’s programme in Theology has a strong emphasis on career prospects by allowing students to focus on one professional path in their third year: research, education, spiritual care or religion and policy.

Career prospects


The research group Systematic Religious Studies carries out research in the field of religious studies as well as in theology. In the theological field, the research group is concerned with issues relating to public theology. Can theology seriously contribute to cultural, political, or economic debates? The research group employs current theological approaches but also relies on the work of influential theologians from the past.

About our research

Questions about this programme?

Do you have a question about this programme? We're happy to help. Please contact us, ask a student or check out our information activities.


Tuitions & grants

If you are going to follow this Master's programme, you will pay an annual tuition fee. There are different tuition rates. The amount depends on your personal situation.
