Get acquainted and testimonials

Do you want to get more in-depth information about this programme? Join our Open Day or one of our other events, read our testimonials or chat with a student.

Twee studentes kijken lachend achterom met in de achtergrond het Maria Montessorigebouw.

Master's Open Day

Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.

Twee studenten zitten samen op een steen buiten het Maria Montessorigebouw en kijken naar een laptop.

Master's Virtual Information Platform

In our Virtual Information Platform you can watch informational videos about our Master's programmes! Watch the videos when and where you want.

Twee studentes lopen al pratend door de welkomsthal van het Huygensgebouw.

Master's Student for a Day

Experience the (pre-)Master’s programme you are interested in by meeting with a (pre-)Master’s student, on campus or online. This way, you will get a good impression of the programme and find out whether this (pre-)Master’s is right for you!

Interested? Join one of our events. Get one-on-one advice from students or study advisors and find out whether this programme is right for you.


The field of tourism is endless and has a lot of hidden gems itself, shocking and beautiful.
Amy Ruiters
Amy Ruiters Student Affairs Officer - Center for European Studies UM Read Amy Ruiters' story
You are selling a positive product that makes people happy, which makes going to the office and doing the job so easy and fun.
Testimonial Manon Weiss
Manon Weiss Content marketeer Read Manon Weiss' story
My thesis is about the Instagram posts by museums visitors and what they suggest about their engagement with the museums' objects and exhibitions.
Portretfoto Ioanna Anthoulaki
Ioanna Anthoulaki Student Read Ioanna Anthoulaki's story
Broaden your horizon and do what feels right. I'm sure you'll end up right on your feet eventually anyway!
Portrait Kim van Helden
Kim van Helden Coordinator International Mobility Partnerships at Radboud University Read Kim van Helden's story
I am happy with this hands-on approach, because not only it allows us to gain valuable practical experience in addition to academic knowledge and skills, it also helps to get an idea of the type of job you could get after graduating.
Portrait Angela van Paasen
Angela van Paasen Student Read Angela van Paasen's story

Meet the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts offers Bachelor's and Master's programmes in the fields of art, culture, history, communication and language. Our research is conducted within the research institutes Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH). In the video below, you get a tour around our faculty.