Course information presented at this moment might still be subject to change.
Search through over 250 courses in English for exchange students. Select a faculty and open an overview of the courses offered and the faculty contact information.
The Faculty of Arts offers exchange courses in:
- Art History
- Arts and Culture Studies
- Classical Languages and Culture
- Communication and Information Studies
- Dutch Language and Culture (courses offered in Dutch)
- English Language and Culture
- French Language and Culture (courses offered in French)
- German Language and Culture (courses offered in German)
- History
- Linguistics
- North American Studies
- Spanish Language and Culture (courses offered in Spanish)
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Contact information
Contact Linsey van den Heuvel, faculty coordinator of the International Office, via email (internationaloffice [at] (internationaloffice[at]let[dot]ru[dot]nl)) or phone +31 24 361 11 86.
The faculty coordinator is seated in the Erasmus Building, room E 7.20. Office hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 16.00.
The Faculty of Law offers exchange courses in Law and European Law.
- Every year the course offer for the next academic year will be published on July 1st. If the offer is not published yet by the time you should complete your Learning Agreement, please just choose from the current offer. (Any changes can be processed at a later moment)
- The minimum workload for exchange students in Law is 15 ECTS per semester. We advise students to not aim at obtaining over 30 ECTS, because all our courses require serious investment. On average, students pass between 3 and 5 courses. The number of courses you choose also depends on the conditions set by your home university.
- Please read the course description carefully and make sure that you meet the prerequisites.
- To qualify as an advanced exchange student, students must be in the final year of their bachelor’s or in their master’s programme in Law and have at least earned 160 ECTS in law courses.
- The numbers in the course codes reflect the course level within the specific programme: (2 or 3 means second year bachelor/ third year bachelor. Master courses can be recognised by the number 4 in the code). Apart from the courses in the Advanced students section, bachelor ánd master courses can be open to both bachelor as well as master students, depending on the specific course.
- As an exchange student of the Law faculty, you may also take a maximum of two courses at other faculties (in consultation).
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Contact information
Contact Kim Gildeman at the faculty International Office via email (internationaloffice [at] (internationaloffice[at]jur[dot]ru[dot]nl)) or phone (+31 24 361 23 07).
The faculty International Office is located in the Grotius Building, room 00.022.
Semester 1/ Autumn Semester
Monday 2 September 2024 – Friday 24 January 2025
- Criminology (JUR-4CRIMENG, 7 EC)
- Fundamental Rights in Europe (JUR-3FUNDRIGHTS, 4 EC)
- International and Comparative Copyright Law (JUR-4INCOPYL, 7 EC)
- Institutional Law of the EU (JUR-2INSTITUT, 6 EC)
- International Arbitration (JUR-4INTARBITRAT, 7 EC)
- Law and Society (JUR-4LAWSOCIETY, 7 EC)
- Philosophy of International Law (JUR-4SYSRF, 7 EC)
- Private International Law (JUR-4PRIVINT, 7 EC)
Advanced exchange students only:
- European Financial Law (JUR-4EURFINAN, 7
- European Law Moot Court competition (JUR-4EURLMC, 7 EC)
- EU External Relations Law (JUR-4EXRELL, 7 EC)
- European Competition Law (JUR-4EUCOML, 7 EC)
- European Immigration Law (JUR-4EUIMML, 7 EC)
- Protection of Human Rights in International Law (JUR-4PROTHR, 7 EC)
- Public International Law Advanced (JUR- 4PINLADV, 7 EC)
Semester 2 / Spring Semester
Monday 27 January 2025 - Friday 11 July 2025
- Comparative Constitutional Law (JUR-4CMPCONL, 7 EC)
- Criminal Justice: Between Law and Practice (JUR-4CRIMJUSTICE, 7 EC)
- European Employment Law (JUR-4EUEMPL, 7 EC)
- European Law and Society (JUR-3EURLAWSOC, 4 EC)
- European Commercial Law (JUR-4EUCOMMER, 7 EC)
- European Public Procurement Law (JUR-4EUPROCL, 7 EC)
- Various Concepts of International Law (JUR-2VARICON, 5 EC)
- Integration Course Harmonisation in the EU (JUR-3HARMONI, 4 EC)
- Introduction to Dutch Criminal Law (JUR-3INDCL, 3-7 EC)
- Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Law (JUR-4KEYPHILO, 7 EC)
- Substantive Law of the European Union (JUR-2SUBSTA, 9 EC)
- Various Branches of International Law (JUR-3VARIBRANCHE, 6 EC)
- Digital Dispute Resolution (JUR-4DIGIDISPUTE, 7 EC)
Advanced exchange students only
- European and Comparative Refugee Law (JUR-4EUCRL, 7 EC)
- European Internal Market Law (JUR-4MARKET, 7 EC)
- Judicial Protection in the European Union (JUR-4JUPEUR, 7 EC)
- Roman Law and Society (LET-GESM4304, 5-10 EC)
- European Insolvency Law (JUR-4EURINSOL, 7 EC)
- Accountability for Human Rights Violations (JUR-4HRVIOLATION, 7 EC)
- International and European Environmental and Sustainability Law (JUR-4ENVISUSLAW, 7 EC)
The Faculty of Medical Sciences offers exchange courses in (Bio-)Medicine and Dentistry.
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Contact information
Ms. Loes Vaessen (International Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Officer)
Ms. Guusje Jongen (International Officer)
Ms. Carly Pepers (International Officer)
Contact the faculty International Office via email (internationalofficestudents [at] (internationalofficestudents[at]radboudumc[dot]nl)) or phone (+31 24 361 50 66).
Their office is located in the Radboudumc Study Centre at the Student Information Point, route 84.
The Faculty of Science offers exchange courses in:
- Biosciences
- Molecular Sciences
- Computing and Information Sciences
- Mathematics and Physics
Course information 2023/2024
Course information 2024/2025 available from 1 July 2024
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Contact information
Contact Conny Mooren, Réka Goedhart-Kedves, or Ulrike von Meier of the Faculty of Science International Office for questions about their exchange courses. Reach out via email (io [at] (io[at]science[dot]ru[dot]nl)) or phone (+31 6 31 13 23 98).
Nijmegen School of Management offers exchange courses in:
- Business Administration
- Public Administration
- Economics
- Political Science
- Spatial Planning
- Environment and Society Studies
- Human Geography
- Conflict Studies
Please note that in order to take courses in the Nijmegen School of Management, we advise students to have previously obtained at least 60 ECTS (or equivalent) of courses at their home university within the study program that they choose.
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Bachelor students are not allowed to take courses at master level. A Bachelor’s diploma is one of the mandatory prerequisites for our master courses.
Contact information
Contact Beate Durlinger and Nataša Bračko at the International Mobility Office via email (imo [at] (imo[at]fm[dot]ru[dot]nl)) or phone (+31 24 361 59 27).
Their office is located in the Elinor Ostrom Building.
All English-taught courses of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies can be followed by exchange students. As an exchange student in PTRS you are also allowed to take courses in other faculties of Radboud University.
Please note: the two buttons below direct you to courses from 2023-2024. From 1 July 2024 onwards new course information will be available. This list includes all course that will be in next year’s offerings.
This offer is subject to change and no rights can be derived from this. Therefore check this page regularly for updates.
Go to exchange courses on Bachelor's level
Go to exchange courses on Master's level
Contact information
Contact the faculty International Office via email (internationaloffice [at] (internationaloffice[at]ftr[dot]ru[dot]nl)) or phone (+31 24 361 12 41). Their office is located in the Erasmus Building, room 15.20.
Courses in multiple faculties
Please note that there may be restrictions on the number of courses you can take in faculties other than the faculty in which you are registered. If you have any questions about this, please contact the relevant faculty coordinator. Their contact details can be found in the links above.
Conversion of grades and credits
Find out how to convert the grades and credits you obtain during your exchange period at Radboud University into the grades and credits that correspond to the grading system of your home country and university.