Experiences from HBO to university

Are you curious about the experiences of former HBO students who have chosen to follow a Master's programme at Radboud University? Read their stories below.

Sophie is doing the Master's Language Variation and Multilingualism

The pre-Master's was mostly a lot of work. I was a bit nervous about the level of the teaching material, but this was doable.
Student Sophie vertelt haar ervaringen over de overgang van het hbo naar de universiteit
Sophie Frieling Student Read Sophie's story

Kim is following the pre-Master's Biomedical Sciences

The great thing is that the pre-Master's class is a mix of different backgrounds, so you complement and support each other.
Student Kim van der Sanden vertelt haar ervaringen over de overgang van het hbo naar de universiteit
Kim van der Sanden Student Read Kim's story

Zoë is doing the Master's Commercial Communication

I spend a lot of time on my studies, but I can have a job of about 7 hours a week on the side.
Student Zoë vertelt haar ervaringen over de overgang van het hbo naar de universiteit
Zoë Raaijmakers Student Read Zoë's story

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