Our dean Tom Elfring and Policy Director of Internationalisation and Strategic Engagement, Sharmishta Chatterjee-Banerjee recently visited the United States to meet with our academic and organisational partners and attend the Societal Impact conference of AACSB, the Global Business Education Network. As part of this visit, Tom and Sharmishta also hosted Nijmegen School of Management’s inaugural gatherings with our inspirational alumni in Washington DC and New York.
Our faculty visits alumni in the USA
As our faculty embarks on its new strategy development process, it was a great opportunity for Tom and Sharmishta to consult with the alumni on what in their experience made Nijmegen School of Management and Radboud their University of choice, and how we can distinguish ourselves as a ‘different’ management school. Some of these discussions focused on further enhancing the impact of our work, global networking and our mission and vision. The ideas, experiences and input resulting from these are valuable in not just formulating the strategy but understanding our position in developing leaders of the future.
Our faculty is hugely grateful to our alumni in the USA, who expressed their willingness to help in further developing alumni relations and stakeholder management. The alumni in particular emphasized our high quality teaching, interdisciplinary approach and access to academic colleagues as a highlight of their time here, which they felt really helped them to learn how to think and reflect critically and act ethically. We are proud of our students and graduates who continue to distinguish themselves and can compete with those from best management schools which goes on to highlight that our teaching is a good preparation for jobs across the globe!
We would like to invite all alumni to be part of our exciting journey and we look forward to meeting you over the coming months in different parts of the world as well as at home in the Netherlands.
Please get in touch with us at alumni [at] fm.ru.nl (alumni[at]fm[dot]ru[dot]nl) if you would like to organise an event or gathering.