Anyone who is at least 16 years old and belongs to one of the groups below, is welcome at Radboud Sport & Culture. See which types of RSC memberships are available and find out about how you can sign up.
Change or cancel your membership
We have a flexible monthly subscription system where you can easily interrupt, adjust, terminate or reactivate your membership temporarily. If you are a member for more than two consecutive full calendar months, you can cancel your membership monthly up to and including the last day of the current month. The cancellation date is always the last day of the cancellation month. So there will be one more subscription charge at the end of the cancellation month. If you renew your membership within six months of the last date of your previous membership, you must remain a member for at least one consecutive full calendar month. It depends on your subscription how you can change or cancel it.
Employees and external individual
As an employee or private athlete you can adjust, cancel or reactivate your Fit Card or Top Fit Card using the form below. Keep in mind that it can take up to 3 business days before you receive a confirmation. If you have not received any confirmation after those 3 business days, please contact RSC via balie-rsc-cf [at] (balie-rsc-cf[at]ru[dot]nl), as it seems like your request has not been received nor processed in good order.