Radboud University has signed license contracts for digital library resources, datafiles, (consultation) software and digital media (like educational streaming services).
Access to this electronic information is restricted to staff members and students of the Radboud University and visitors to the library locations and is bound to conditions of use. Access is controlled by means of campus-wide access, i.e. restricted to work stations registered in the IP-domain of the Radboud University, by means of authentication as staff member or student of the RU or via a registered guest login.
The user has to adhere to the following terms and conditions of use:
- Use of the digital library resources, datafiles, (consultation) software and media is allowed only within the academic context of research, education and study.
- Commercial use of the digital resources is prohibited.
- The user is not permitted to use the digital resources for an organisation or company outside the RU to which he is associated.
Furthermore, there are a number of other terms and conditions of use attached to the use of digital library resources, datafiles, (consultation) software and digital media:
- The use of library resources, datafiles, (consultation) software and digital media is submitted to standard copyright rules.
- Printing and downloading individual journal articles and parts of book chapters is only permitted for personal use.
- It is prohibited to systematically download, distribute, print or store substantial parts of licensed materials.
- Publishing licensed materials through Internet or electronic networks is not permitted.
- Certain publishers impose conditions on the use and training of AI tools due to copyright concerns.
Violations detected by the University Library, or violations of which publishers have informed the library, will be reported to the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of the Radboud University. Access to the digital library from home via the proxy server is automatically closed for 24 hours in case of excessive downloading.
The violator of the license conditions faces possible legal or financial consequences.
Most licenses are licenses of access by which for the access to the content no exchange of personal data occurs with the supplier. However it should be pointed out that personal data can possibly be incorporated by suppliers (for instance after activating a personal account). This is not covered via the license and it is the responsibility of the student/staff member themselves.
Conditions of use RU and SURF network
Note: The use of the RU and SURF network is also subject to conditions of use. These conditions can be downloaded as a pdf: