Team Fitness Radboud Sport & Cultuur
Team Fitness Radboud Sport & Cultuur

Radboud Sport & Culture

Radboud University offers a broad range of sports and culture. With over 80 different activities, long opening hours, and professional guidance, an RSC subscription offers extensive exercise and relaxation opportunities for everyone!

News and Events

Registration internal football competition open

The internal mixed football competition is open for registration. You can register until Friday 20 September at 18:00, but if there is a lot of interest, it is first come, first served, so quickly submit your team's registration form!

Positive self-talk workshop

On 25 September at 19:00, RSC members are very welcome to the Positive Self-Talk workshop. Under the guidance of coaching agency Mental Sports Coaching, you will actively work with this widely used technique from sports and performance psychology.

Classical concert Sabina Duo

On 19 September, Ana Marco Pérez (piano) and Clara Sánchez Hernández (cello) will give you a musical insight into the different faces of their home land Spain. RSC members can reserve their seat as a ticket hour. Non-members buy a ticket via CODC.

Everybody welcome!

Radboud Sport & Culture is open to everyone. Students benefit from exceptional rates and alumni receive discounts. Employees, retired employees and individuals can choose from a Fit Card (5x a month) or a Top Fit Card (unlimited). In addition, individual tickets or strip cards are available for some activities, and you can rent a sports facility from us. You are welcome 7 days a week!

Read more about our memberships

Student on climbing wall

Do what you like! 

With over 80 activities, there is always something you like. You can follow workouts to music, learn to paint, practice free sports such as fitness, tennis or bouldering, as well as sign up for a team sport or a singing or boxing course, for example. 

See our activities

Contact us

+31 243 61 23 92

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