Feedbackformulier proefpersonen Donders Institute

* Mandatory field

Did you participate in a research study at the Donders Institute and do you have a complaint or feedback? Via this form, you can share this with the research coordinator of the centre.

Which research center did you participate at?
If you participated via the SONA system please mention the SONA name of the study.
How have you been informed about what was expected of you?
What is your opinion on the quality of the information brochures about the research?
How satisfied are you about the contact you had with the researcher at the start of the experiment?
How satisfied are you about the contact you had with the researcher during the experiment?
How satisfied are you with the information you received at the end of the experiment about the purpose of the experiment?
How did you experience your participation in the study?

In case you have a complaint, and you would like to talk about it instead of just reporting it via this webform, we would like to receive your contact information (email/tel). The research coordinator of the center you participated in will contact you.