Request/objection form Examining Board of Economics and Business Economics

* Mandatory field

Hieronder vind je een lijst met vragen die je moet invullen om een verzoek of bezwaar in te kunnen dienen bij de Examencommissie. Verzoeken die onvoldoende zijn ingevuld en/of aangevuld met documenten die het verzoek ondersteunen, worden niet in behandeling genomen.

Indien je toegelaten wilt worden tot de pre-master en je hebt op WO niveau cursussen gevolgd die gelijk zijn aan een of meerdere cursussen van de pre-master kan je vrijstelling vragen voor de desbetreffende cursussen. Deze vrijstelling vraag je online aan via OSIRIS-aanmelding, tegelijkertijd met jouw digitale toelatingsverzoek tot de premaster.

Field of study; choose the phase in your study in which your are taking the most courses
Kind of request

Below you can upload your request or objection. Please pay attention to the following:

  • describe your request or objection as clearly as possible and base it on the rules (EER) or additional (course) guidelines. Please attach these when appropriate.
  • if there are apparent exceptional circumstances, describe these as clearly as possible and when appropriate include possible documents to prove your case (if possible including name, phone number and e-mail address of those who can confirm your situation).
  • indicate which actions you have taken already, such as conversations with those involved, as well as the result of these actions.
  • please sign your request with your signature. If you don't have an electronic signature, we suggest you print your request, sign it and upload the scanned version.

Also make sure that:

  • a request for admission to a master's specialization or hbo-premaster programme includes all required documents as indicated in the admission procedure.
  • a request for electives or substitute courses at a university other than Radboud University is accompanied by course description or a (working) link to the course's webpage.
  • a request for approval of a bachelor internship includes a plan that is in line with the requirements as laid down in the internship regulations.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
One file only.
20 MB limit.