Mercator 1
Mercator 1

Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

The Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) aims to improve the fundamentals of software development via formal, mathematically founded theories, methods, and tools that support the specification, design, analysis, and evaluation of computer-based systems.


Portretfoto Roel Vertegaal

Roel Vertegaal appointed Professor of Human-Computer Interaction

Roel Vertegaal has been appointed Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at Radboud University’s Faculty of Science effective May 1, 2024.


Results of ERC Advanced grant project COHUBICOL of Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt published, including the creation of a new journal: Cross-Disciplinary Research in Computational Law

In 2018, Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt, affiliated with Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the iCIS institute in the Faculty of ScieMirnce of the Radboud University, was awarded an ERC Advanced grant for her research project proposal COHUBICOL.

Prof. Lejla Batina

The "Challenges in Cyber Security" project has received a prestigious NWO Gravity award.

The "Challenges in Cyber Security" project has received a prestigious NWO Gravity award. This project brings together the world's scientific top from the hard sciences in the cyber security field among which prof.dr. Lejla Batina of iCIS.


Warp Drive Engineering: Implementing and optimizing the Dilithium signature scheme

Huygens Colloquium: Marco Loog

Proof Automation for Fine-Grained Concurrent Separation Logic

Visiting address

Institute for Computing and Information Sciences is located in Mercator I in Nijmegen.

Toernooiveld 212 
6525 EC Nijmegen


Get in touch with the research institute by contacting the iCIS office.

+31 24 365 26 43