Graduate School / PhD Trajectory

Doing a PhD thesis at iCIS means that you have the opportunity to receive training, develop your personal and professional skills, and prepare for your future career. In addition, you can join the PhD Organisation in Nijmegen (PON) to stay connected with other PhD candidates.

Admission and application

For the formal requirement, it is necessary to have a Dutch master degree or equivalent (which is the case at many universities). The Commission for Exams decides this. For candidates who do not fulfil the requirement, the Commission may require that the candidate does some exams in specific topics.

Candidates satisfying the formal requirement should apply directly to the responsible chair of their interest. A short CV should be included. Having a clear goal on which topic you want to do research in is appreciated. It will also help with your admission if you have some evidence of your capacities.

After a thesis is written and approved by a promotor (one of the professors of the institute) the manuscript will be submitted to a manuscript committee. After approval, there will be a formal defence of the thesis.

Once accepted as a PhD student, no supervision fee is required. If you are admitted, the first item of interest is to write the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP), together with your supervisor.


PhD's students have a working contract with the university as a junior researcher. As part of this contract, the PhD candidate will have to do some teaching assistance. Alternatively, one can bring one's own support, covering living expenses.

Financial information

There are several arrangements of financial interest.

PhD students

Below is the list of PhD candidates that started at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences in the last years.

PhD counselors

Currently: Erik Poll and Marco Loog
Assistant PhD counselors: Simone Meeuwsen

The PhD counselor is here to support and protect the interests of PhD students at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), in a general sense (not concerning the contents of the PhD work). E.g. to give advice on PhD matters to individual PhD students, their supervisors, or to the board of iCIS. In these matters, the counselor has an independent position. He or she is also the confidential counselor for the PhD students.