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Institute for Science in Society banner

Institute for Science in Society

The Institute for Science in Society (ISiS) at Radboud University conducts research and provides education at the interface between science and society. Its mission is to analyse, assess and improve the societal embedding of science and technology.


Jing Wang behind a lectern giving her PhD defence

Jing Wang defends PhD thesis

On 21 June, Jing Wang successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Listing Quality: Navigating Journal Valuation Practices in the Chinese Science System’.

Artist impression of a synthetic cell

Publication on philosophical aspects of the synthetic cell

“Understanding, virtually: How does the synthetic cell matter?”, by Broeks, Knuuttila and De Regt, published in the journal Perspectives on Science, is the latest result of Daphne’s PhD project on philosophical aspects of the synthetic cell.

Faculty of Science placeholder

New publication on Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Understanding

This publication from the project “Machine learning in science: bridging the gap between data and understanding”, by Kristian González Barman, Sascha Caron, Tom Claassen and Henk de Regt, sheds light on how AI can generate scientific understanding.


ATLAS.ti v23/24 for Windows - Basic workshop

4th HPP-NL Workshop

ISiS event with science journalists and communicators

Huygens Colloquium: Martin Drenthen

Visiting address

Huygens building
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen

Postal address

Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 9010
Internal postbox 77
6500 GL Nijmegen


Get in touch with the research institute by contacting the ISiS secretariat, or follow us on Bluesky and LinkedIn.