Institute for Science in Society banner
Institute for Science in Society banner

Institute for Science in Society

The Institute for Science in Society (ISiS) at Radboud University conducts research and provides education at the interface between science and society. Its mission is to analyse, assess and improve the societal embedding of science and technology.


Netbeheerder Alliander

New curriculum for smart approach to overcrowded energy grid

Radboud University, together with grid operator Alliander, is marketing a new course program to tackle energy grid problems together.

Melkveehouder Peter van Bree bedankt Noelle Aarts met een fles vers getapte melk bij zijn melktap.

Noelle Aarts at the partner event Land van Cuijk Boert Bewust

Noelle Aarts spoke at the partner event and five-year anniversary of Land van Cuijk Boert Bewust on Friday 4 October.


ISiS welcomes science journalists and communicators

On Friday 4 October, ISiS welcomed a group of science journalists, communicators, and other interested parties for an event in collaboration with VWN.


Exploring Animal Sentience Research workshop

Roots of Nature Connectedness

Impossible Triangles of Thought: Opening conference of the Radboud Center for Natural Philosophy

EndNote Quick Start

Visiting address

Huygens building
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen

Postal address

Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 9010
Internal postbox 77
6500 GL Nijmegen


Get in touch with the research institute by contacting the ISiS secretariat, or follow us on Bluesky and LinkedIn.