Orthodox kerk
Orthodox kerk

Institute of Eastern Christian Studies

The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies is dedicated to the scholarly study of Eastern Christianity. We offer professional consultations, conduct research, educate students, provide information to the public through conferences and public lectures, and offer printed & digital publications including the peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of Eastern Christian Studies and the digital Platform Oosters Christendom.

What can IvOC do for you?

IvOC advises social parties on issues concerning Eastern Christianity. These include migration of Eastern Christians to the Netherlands, the role of Eastern Christianity in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the special position of Christianity in the Middle East and Africa.

You can also contact us for advice on icons, Orthodox traditions, and research projects related to Eastern Christianity.

Contact IvOC: secretariaat [at] ivoc.ru.nl (secretariaat[at]ivoc[dot]ru[dot]nl) 

Platform Oosters Christendom

Within the Dutch language area, the Platform is a unique resource on Eastern Christianity. The Platform provides visitors with practical information on what is going on in Dutch and Flemish society, in the form of announcements of lectures, courses, discussions and events. It also offers extensive background stories on topical issues, interviews, discussions on certain sensitive topics, plus articles on spiritual life and topics of current interest within Eastern religious communities. Visit the Platform Oosters Christendom to keep up to date with everything related to Eastern Christianity.


Gregorius van Nyssa Over de ziel en de verrijzenis

A conversation on the soul and resurrection

In On the Soul and the Resurrection, Gregory of Nyssa talks to his sister Macrina about what exactly the soul and the resurrection mean.

Ikonenmuseum Kampen

A calendar year with icons

The Icon Museum in Kampen recently launched an exhibition on these unusual and practical icons: A calendar year.

Boeken op een tafel

New Psalm translation

Former abbot of St Adelbert Abbey in Egmond-Binnen, Br Gerard Mathijsen osb, attended the presentation of the new translation of The Psalms of the Early Church on Friday 8 November 2024. You can read his review of the translation and the event here.

Upcoming events

Icons in-between exhibition

Contact us

Erasmusgebouw, 17th floor,
Erasmusplein 1
6525 HT Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Follow us on social media: Facebook | X | LinkedIn

(024) 361 56 03