Orthodox kerk
Orthodox kerk

Research IvOC

The Institute of Eastern Christian Studies conducts academic research on various aspects of Eastern Christianity. Our findings, knowledge and insights are shared not only with academia, but also with a wider audience of stakeholders and interested parties. We do this through various publications, including our Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Exploration of Eastern Christianity series, IvOC reports and articles, as well as symposiums and lectures.

Research focus

The Institute's main lines of research are:

  • Global Eastern Christianity
  • Orthodoxy, Human Rights, Peace Studies with a Regional Focus: Russia, Ukraine, Post-Soviet Space
  • Medical care & refugees in the Netherlands
  • Orthodox church communities and cultural heritage in the Netherlands
  • Icons 

Research Scholarship

Are you working on a unique research project in the field of Eastern and Oriental Christianity and would you like the opportunity to enrich your research with original source material, or share your findings with an international audience? We invite you to come to Nijmegen as a visiting researcher for 1 month. Through an IvOC scholarship, we offer guest researchers a workspace at the institute and give them the opportunity to participate in the ongoing academic programme. This may take the form of a presentation, guest lecture or publication on our Platform Oosters Christendom.

What does the scholarship entail?

The scholarship period is 1 month and each successful candidate receives a maximum of €1,500 as a contribution to their travel and accommodation expenses. Twice a year, before 1 March and 1 September, our institute accepts applications for research scholarships. In doing so, we try to honour one scholarship application in the field of Eastern Christianity and one in the field of Oriental Christianity.

Apply for the IvOC scholarship:

Read the IvOC scholarship terms and conditions: download here.

Do you think this is a valuable addition to completing your research? Contact us via e-mail: scholarships-iecs [at] ivoc.ru.nl (scholarships-iecs[at]ivoc[dot]ru[dot]nl)