Publications IvOC

Our institute has a number of publications available on the subject of Eastern Christianity. Our own publications include the academic Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, the Eastern Christian Studies book series, which publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes on the world of Eastern and Oriental Christianity, and the book series Exploring Eastern Christianity written by authors who have researched specific topics, people or literature within Eastern Christianity.

In addition, IvOC reports and in-depth articles written by our director, associate researchers and other staff members are available. These are only available digitally. Here you can find an overview of our digital publications.

Would you like to have one of our books or publications in your own library? Send an e-mail to secretariaat [at] (secretariaat[at]ivoc[dot]ru[dot]nl) with the name of the publication you would like to buy. We will contact you within three working days to arrange your order.

Our Publications

The institute has a number of academic publications to its credit, including:

  • The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies (JECS), available through Brill
  • Eastern Christian Studies (ECS), a complementary book series to the Journal of Eastern Christian Studies. The series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes on the world of Eastern and Oriental Christianity. This series can be purchased through Brill.

In addition, the institute itself publishes the Explorations of Eastern Christianity series. The editions are:

  • Paul Baars, “Aartspriester Pavel Adelgeim (1938-2013): De laatste vrije priester van Rusland?”, Nijmegen, 2022 (#11)
  • Ayla Kivits en Loes van Beuningen, "Ethiopische iconen uit de collectie van het Instituut voor Oosters Christendom", Nijmegen, 2020 (#10)
  • Theo Maarten van Lint, "Sint Grigor Narekatsi's Boek der Weeklaging", Nijmegen, 2020 (#9)
  • W. Lamfers, "Stilte en Eenvoud, Orthodox Kloosterleven in Roemenië", Delft, 2009 (#8)
  • Paul Baars, “Wedergeboorte in steen: gebruik van kerkgebouwen en kloosters in Pskov (Rusland) 1986-2006”, Nijmegen, 2006 (#7)
  • Vrijdag, Lathouwers, van Leijsen, “De Liturgie van de Grote Veertigdagentijd”, Nijmegen, 1999 (#6) 

Other publications

IvOC has other titles written and published by former staff members or external stakeholders. In addition, our offer has been enriched by donations from foundations and individuals. The following books are also available via our institute:

  • De Syrische Renaissance: Speech delivered on acceptance of the position of extraordinary professor Herman Teule
  • Dat allen 1 zijn: the story of the magazine Het Christelijk Oosten; about an initiative by Assumptionists to establish a direct relationship with Radboud University Nijmegen, liturgy and theology, and how the vision of unity and reunification has developed over the years.
  • Assyrian-Chaldean Christians in Eastern Turkey & Iran: The author compiled this atlas after numerous trips to the area under study, documenting the actual places of residence and the original names of the Christian people who have inhabited these areas since ancient times and made it their original homeland.

Icon books from the Bredius Foundation

The institute has some fantastic icon books donated to us by the Bredius Foundation. You can download the list of icon books using this link: ICON BOOK LIST

We are very grateful to the Bredius Foundation for the fine addition to our collection of icon books and hope to find a good home for the books which are duplicates of titles already found in our own collection.

Would you like to buy an icon book? The price does not include shipping costs, so it pays to choose a number of books from this list and, if possible, collect the books yourself from the secretariat. But shipping doesn't always have to cost a lot either: a parcel up to 3 kg delivered to your home address via PostNL costs only €7.00!

Your order, indicating the titles, authors and price listed, can be sent to secretariaat [at] (secretariaat[at]ivoc[dot]ru[dot]nl). If you want the books delivered, please also mention your address. We will confirm your order and provide you with payment details: upon receipt of your payment, we will ship your order.