Listening bowls

Two large listening bowls in a special place on the Nijmegen Spiegelwaal, where everyone can experience peace and quiet, or converse and share knowledge. That is the ambitious plan that Radboud University and its partners hope to realise to give something back to the city's residents and visitors. Read on to find out what the Listening Bowls are and what makes them significant. Would you like to contribute?

What are the listening bowls?

The Listening Bowls (‘Luisterschalen’ in Dutch) are a twofold artwork that no visitor will be able to miss. The two bowls will be placed fifty metres apart. The bowls allow people to engage in spontaneous dialogue with each other. Whatever you say at one listening bowl can be heard by people standing near the other bowl. People can interact with each other at a considerable distance, without amplifying the sound and inconveniencing local residents.

“I love the idea of the Listening Bowls. Not only because of my commitment to Nijmegen, Radboud University and the Radboud university medical center, but also because every day I dedicate myself to starting a movement that helps people connect and have better conversations. I am convinced that doing so makes the world a much more beautiful place.”  Mascha Weijers, Bureau Rechtdoorzee

Multimedia experience

Visitors can also listen to podcasts here at their leisure and watch original video clips that delve deeper into concepts like reflection and curiosity. In this way, visitors gain knowledge about Nijmegen's rich environment. The banks on the river Waal, Operation Market Garden, or the Romans in Nijmegen: a diverse range of stories come to life and make the invisible visible. Choose a story that interests you, scan the corresponding QR code at one of the Listening Bowls and immerse yourself in this multimedia experience.

Live mini-lectures

Everyone is welcome to enjoy the Listening Bowls. Radboud University and other interested institutions also plan to organise mini-lectures near the Listening Bowls. Tucked between the Listening Bowls, with a view of the river Waal and the Netherlands' oldest city, researchers can share their knowledge. For school classes, this is a great opportunity to be taught outdoors in a special place.

How can you contribute?

All the lights are on green. The Municipality of Nijmegen, the Province of Gelderland, Rijkswaterstaat, and the Water Board have all agreed to the plans, and underscore the impact of the Listening Bowls. Will you help us realise the Listening Bowls, so that all Nijmegen residents and visitors can find peace and inspiration on the Spiegelwaal? Transfer your contribution via the button below or contact us to discuss the options.


Fifty metres apart, two large 'luisterschalen' will be placed at the Spiegelwaal. It becomes a place of reflection, curiosity and connection.
Radboud University is giving two 'luisterschalen' as a gift to Nijmegen and its residents. These 'luisterschalen' will be placed at the Spiegelwaal.


For further information, please contact us.

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