During the Master's Open Day on Saturday 16 March you can ask questions to students and lecturers of Master's programmes at the information market. Would you like to know in which building you can find the information stand of a specific programme? View the overview below.
Lecture hall complex (CC)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Pedagogische Wetenschappen
Erasmus building (second floor)
Faculty of Arts
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen / Communication and Information Studies
Europese Studies
Geschiedenis / History
Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies
Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen / Arts and Culture Studies
Linguistics and Communication Sciences
North American Studies
Taalwetenschappen / Linguistics
Tour of the Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Filosofie van een Bepaald Wetenschapsgebied
University degree programmes in teaching
Educatieve Module
Eenjarige Educatieve Master
Tweejarige Educatieve Master
Grotius building
Faculty of Law
Career Service Law
Fiscaal Recht
International and European Law
Nederlands Recht
Notarieel Recht
Onderneming & Recht
Pre-master Rechten
Huygens building
Faculty of Science
Computing Science
Information Sciences
Medical Biology
Molecular Sciences
Physics and Astronomy
Science in Society
Science, Management and Innovation
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
University degree programmes in teaching
Educatieve Module
Eenjarige Educatieve Master
Tweejarige Educatieve Master
Maria Montessori building
Faculty of Social Sciences
After the information session, you can ask your questions at the booth next to the entrance of the lecture hall.
Anthropology and Development Studies
Artificial Intelligence
Behavioural Science
Cognitive Neuroscience
Curriculumontwikkeling voor Primair Onderwijs
Orthopedagoog Generalist
Psychologie / Psychology
Social and Cultural Science
Elinor Ostrom building
Nijmegen School of Management
Bestuurskunde / Public Administration
Business Administration
Environment and Society Studies
Human Geography
Political Science
Spatial Planning
Admissions Officer Nijmegen School of Management
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs
Integrand - Academische stagebemiddelaar
Campus map
A map of the Radboud University campus, that shows where the buildings and parking spaces are located.