Application procedure Erasmus+ grant

The procedure below applies to both staff of Radboud University and Radboudumc. You can also complete and submit your application directly online via the Staff Mobility Grant Portal.

Go to the Staff Mobility Grant Portal



  1. Fill in the application form completely and sign it

    Also have the form signed by your supervisor or the head of your department. In addition, your contact at the host institution should sign the form. Also fill in your department's budget number on the form. You can ask your supervisor about this number.

  2. Submit the completed form

    Email the fully signed form to erasmus [at] (erasmus[at]ru[dot]nl) no later than two weeks before your departure.

  3. If the application is approved, you will receive a so-called Letter of Approval within two weeks

    This will state the scholarship amount to be received. In addition, you will receive a Grant Agreement. You must return a signed version of this agreement at your earliest convenience and before departure.

  4. Apply for your international business trip

    Please do so via VCK Travel's online booking tool. When applying, use the budget number you have also provided on the scholarship application form.

  5. Request an international business trip

    Do so via Bass Oracle. Use the budget number you have also provided on the scholarship application form. If you wish, you can request an advance payment. During your stay abroad, don't forget to keep all invoices and receipts so you can submit them digitally later. 

    Radboudumc staff with a Z number should submit their travel request according to the applicable Radboudumc procedure.

  6. Fill in the Statement Form

    You will receive a Statement Form via email. This form must be signed by the host institution and submitted within two weeks after the end of your stay abroad via erasmus [at] (erasmus[at]ru[dot]nl).

  7. Complete the EU survey after your stay abroad

    After your stay abroad we ask you to complete the EU survey online. You will receive an invitation to complete this survey via e-mail from the European Commission. Completing the EU-survey is a requirement for obtaining the scholarship.

  8. Transfer of the grant amount

    Once the Statement Form is approved and the EU survey is submitted, the grant amount will be transferred to the indicated budget number.

  9. Declare your expenses

    Please declare your expenses via Bass Oracle within three months. Read more about which expenses you may claim here.

    Radboudumc staff with a Z number should submit their expense claims according to the applicable Radboudumc procedure.

Additional information for external PhD students

Radboud University’s external PhD students (without an employment contract) can declare their expenses via the ‘Declaration form non employee’.

External PhD students of Radboudumc (without an employment contract) can declare their expenses via the ‘Declaration form non employee’ which can be downloaded from the Radboudumc intranet. If you have any questions, please contact the Radboudumc finance department.