Read here to find out how you can set a new password on an Android phone or tablet.
New password Android tablet or phone
Step 1: Change password in Accountportal
Note: Remember to turn off internet and wifi on all your mobile devices.
Before changing the password on your mobile devices, first change your Radboud password in the Accountportal.
Step 2: Modify the Radboud password for your Radboud mail
Note: On the different types of Android devices, the names and steps are sometimes slightly different than described below.
- Go to the app overview and click on Settings;
- Scroll down and click on 'Accounts';
- Click on 'Exchange';
- Click on 'Account settings';
- Click on your Radboud mail address;
- Scroll down to Incoming email settings and click there;
- Enter your new password and click 'Done'.
Step 3: Modify Radboud password for Eduroam
Note: this can only be done when you are on campus.
- Turn wifi back on. The wifi network on campus is Eduroam
- Hold down eduroam and click on Change network
- Scroll down, enter your new RU password and click SAVE.
You have now finished adjusting the Radboud password on your Android phone or tablet.