Nationaal Onderwijslab AI
Nationaal Onderwijslab AI

National Education Lab AI

NOLAI is the National Education Lab AI for elementary, secondary and special needs education in the Netherlands, funded by the National Growth Fund.

Our way of working is unique. Based on the latest questions in schools, we connect education, science and business in short-term projects. We develop evidence based prototypes and research the consequences of consciously and responsibly using AI in education.

Cartoon vragensessie NOLAI.

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There are already seventeen of them!

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De cover van het Referentiekader van NOLAI

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AI in education 2024

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Cartoon hamvraag projecten NOLAI.

Our five focus areas

What are we researching?

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Universitair docent Bernard van Gastel en projectleider van het PEP-team Joep Bos-Coenraad

The 5 focus areas of NOLAI

June is dedicated to the Month of AI in Education. This theme of AI is alive and well at Radboud University. On campus, you will find NOLAI: the national education lab for primary, secondary, and special education in the Netherlands.

Johan Jeuring en Serge Thill in gesprek over de technologie van AI in onderwijs op het NOLAI Event


We would like to invite you to end the school year together. Partners of NOLAI and interested parties from education, science and business are welcome on June 27, 2024 at Landgoed Brakkesteyn, for an inspiring meeting with NOLAI.

NOLAI teacher in residence, Kevin van der Pol

Kevin van der Pol on Working at NOLAI

Kevin van der Pol is a Dutch teacher and an ICT innovator. Since November 2022, Kevin has also been working as a Teacher in Residence (TiR) at NOLAI and is committed to the direct connection between educational practice and scientific research.


NOLAI | Radboud Universiteit 
Erasmusplein 1 | 18th floor
6500 HD Nijmegen


NOLAI is financed by the European Union's NextGenerationEU and the National Growth Fund.

Logo Next Generation EU
Logo Nationaal Groeifonds