Collaborate with Radboud University

Do you, as a company, organisation or school want to collaborate with Radboud University? You can do that in a number ways. You can contact us for the use of lab facilities and unique research equipment, but also for advice or commissioned research. And if you happen to be looking for a top student for your organisation, you can approach us too.

Research & advice

Biomolecular chemistry

Rent research facilities

Does you company want to use our labs or equipment? Then please contact Radboud Research Facilities.

foto presentatie

Collaborate with researchers

Do you as an organisation want to collaborate with a researcher? Please contact Research & Impact.

Groep studenten aan het werk buiten op de campus

Get students to work on a societal challenge

Do you have a societal issue that could be turned into a project for students? Please contact us.


Business space & start-ups

Mercator 1

Rent business space

Our Science Park provides space for companies with close ties to Radboud knowledge institutions.

Twee collega's overleggen

First aid for start-ups

Mercator Launch coaches and advices starting knowledge-intensive entrepreneurs.

Get in touch with our students

studenten SSH& bonus

Offer vacancies or internships

If you, as an employer, want to get in touch with students, you can contact our career services.

Intromarkt 2021

Meet our students at Radboud Intro

Does your organisation want to meet around 6,000 students? Then Radboud Intro is the place to be.


Education (primary and secondary schools)

Hoe het staat met de algemene kennis van basisscholieren? Joost mag het weten

Teaching materials and guest lecturers

Invite a scientist into the classroom or use teaching materials for primary or secondary schools.

kind met tablet

AI in education

Help us develop smart technology in education at the National Education AI Lab (NOLAI).


Contribute to Radboud University

Researcher builds robot

Contribute to the university

Give a guest lecture, help a student with a networking session or donate to the Radboud Fund.
