Offer vacancies and internships to students

Do you, as a company or organisation, have interesting vacancies or internships for students and recent graduates of Radboud University? You can advertise them in various ways. Radboud Career Service and student associations can share vacancies. There are also various company days and other events where you can present yourself as an employer.

Would you like to contribute to Career Day as an employer?

Career Service per faculty

Radboud University has seven faculties, each of which has its own Career Service department. Some departments organise events, such as career days, where employers can get in touch with students. There are also several student associations that organise job fairs and career days.

Which department can you approach which vacancy or internship?

Vacancies and internships for Law students

  • When looking for students in the legal field.
  • Career events: Career Service Law organises tailored career events. Also through the study associations of various programmes - see the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.
  • Would you like to be visible to law students as an employer? You can do so, for example, by becoming a Career Service Partner

Career Service Law

Vacancies and internships for students in Social Sciences

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates in the fields of psychology, educational science, communication science, sociology, anthropology or artificial intelligence.
  • Career events: through the student associations of various programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.

Career Service Social Sciences

Vacancies and internships for students of the faculty of Arts

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates who have studied languages, history, art history or a course in communication.
  • Career events: Career Service Arts organises an annual (in spring) Arts Career Week with job fair. In addition, through the student associations of various programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.

Career Service Arts

Vacancies and internships for students of the faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religion Sciences

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates in the fields of philosophy, ethics, religion.
  • Career events: through the student associations of various programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University..

Career Service Philosophy, Theology and Religion Sciences

Vacancies and internships for students of the Nijmegen School of Management

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates in the fields of public administration, political science, business administration, economics or geography/planning.
  • Career events: Career Service Management Sciences organises annual NSM Skills Days and the Management Business Fair (both in spring) and the NSM Public Sector Career Day (in fall). In addition, through the student associations of various programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.

Career Service Management

Vacancies and internships for Science students 

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates in the fields of life sciences, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, cyber security, astronomy or physics.
  • Career events: every year the BBB Career Event (BètaBedrijvenBeurs) takes place. In addition, through the student associations of various study programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.

Career Service Science

Vacancies and internships for Medical students

  • If you are looking for students/ recent graduates in the fields of life sciences, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, cyber security, astronomy or physics.
  • Career events: Career Service Science organises the annual STEM Business Fair. In addition, through the student associations of various study programmes. See the overview of student organisations at Radboud University.

Career Service Medical Sciences

medewerkers in overleg

Contribute to Career Day

Twice during the academic year, Career Service organises a Career Day: a day of workshops or sessions, for all students of Radboud University, to prepare for the job market. Would you like to contribute to the Radboud Career Day as an employer? Please get in touch: careerservice [at] (careerservice[at]ru[dot]nl)