Prof. H.L. Aalbers (Rick)

Professor - Strategy

Prof. H.L. Aalbers (Rick)
Visiting address

Heyendaalseweg 141

Postal address

Postbus 9108

Rick Aalbers is a Full Professor in Corporate Restructuring and Innovation at the department of Business Administration of Radboud University. He has been a visiting scholar at Imperial College London and National University of Ireland at Galway and The Tokyo Institute of Technology. Rick’s research focuses on organizational restructuring and innovation and revolves around the following research lines:

• Responsible restructuring and downsizing
• Corporate collaboration and innovation
• Organizational resilience

His work on these themes has been accepted for publication by leading international journals, including Research Policy, Long Range Planning, Journal of Product Innovation Management, MIT Sloan Management Review (winner MIT’s Richard Beckhard award), Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Social Science and Medicine and the British Journal of Management, among others.

Rick serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Management Studies. Spearheading the theme of Responsible Restructuring, he had several research grants awarded at EU and national levels (horizon2020 / NWO) on technology and restructuring related themes (>1.5 mio EUR). Amongst others Rick served as program coordinator and principal investigator of the Marie Curie ITN Program FINDER (, a competitive research grant by the European Commission. He is co-founder of the Restructuring & Renewal Lab, a trans-Atlantic research collaboration.

A native of The Netherlands, he holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from Rotterdam School of Management, a second Masters degree in Business Economics (cum laude) from Erasmus University's School of Economics and a PhD in Business and Economics from Groningen University (recipient best dissertation award).

Rick teaches the above themes at bachelor-master and executive program level. Prior to his academic career, Rick worked as a Manager at Deloitte Consulting where he advised on strategic change.

Research theme
  • Reorganization, corporate strategy and Innovation
Research group
  • Strategic Management


Research grants and prizes



Media mentions

Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities